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About sjatib

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/12/1996

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    People, music, literature, cinema, politics, science
  • Fan Since
    Few years back

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  1. This is incredible. One of my musical dreams is for her to cover 'Lover You Should've Come Over', and I guess this is kinda the nearest we've gotten to that <3 Edit: Her appearing alongside with Nick 🥹🥹❤️❤️
  2. Maybe its because they're renting them. I've seen that at festivals, not the prohibition of bringing your own though.
  3. Just facts ❤️ My personal n°1 record from her. Just music to reflect deeply on while thinking about the reasons to love, suffer and keep looking at life's eyes knowing that there's no safe way to do it, just the chance that it'll end up making sense. Long live Blue Banisters
  4. Its in her fathers (@robertenglandgrant) Instagram, yet filmed from the stage and with terrible audio quality. Fun to watch, anyway!
  5. Does anyone know if theres recordings of Peppers? Dying to hear the live version!
  6. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Guess respect and constructive intercourse are not familiar concepts for everyone. Good luck, though!
  7. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    I mean, of course its my own perspective. This is a forum and I guess thats what that's about, creating a space to share perspectives. I personally -again- find quite more disturbing and enervating things as people talking about her past/present relationships as if they were a matter set to public debate (remember that guy who went to a festival with Sean's face printed to his shirt). Not to talk about the ones that publicly talk about her mother or speculate about Lana's feelings about that. Not that Lana hasn't been vocal about that on her music, but I just cant get how that information is treated sometimes as food for gossip and not as something to be extremely respectful about.
  8. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    I mean. Its Instagram. Its Internet. They are mostly teenagers looking for validation. Its not as much as the cigar thing itself (that doesn't link to any healthy or wholesome conceptual stuff either, just in case), its about the lack of substance or intentionallity behind that all (the post in discussion included). There's tons and tons and tons of VERY problematic stuff in that social that I find quite more deserving of an angry response. Not to invalidate the fact that she's visibly offended by the post, but I just dont think it earns it.
  9. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    I mean I guess its not a funny thing for Lana to read but half of the Lana memes dont differ that much from this one. Like the ones with cigars as breakfast and all that stuff. I dont think she should take it as more than it is, thats not more than some unfortunate comment from a more than probable teenager.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/p/C61CXRruJ4-/?igsh=Y2dycTF6b3NhYzhh Dont know if this has already been discussed but ye, seems like something is coming
  11. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    I get she's an extraordinarily sensitive person that has been as well through some rough stuff, but even if her road regarding public exposure may have been difficult, she still belongs to the realm of the objectivly privileged minority in a world where most of population face sceneries that get worsened every passing day. I just dont think that what she said is the most appropriate discourse to be given in a public plataform where everyone is able to feel alluded.
  12. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Love her but not her story being worse "than most peoples", damn. 😅😅 😂
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