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Everything posted by Jean

  1. Go to fucking Halsey forums, we don't need your disgusting posts here.. xx
  2. Report this whore @@likeme.. STUPID IMMATURE CREATURE, YOU'RE RUINING OUR EXCITEMENT AND LOVE ABOUT HONEYMOON!! *vomits all over your family and unborn children* AND DON'T TELL ME THAT I'M TOO HARSH
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HPy5Wq8Xbg Operation: KILL THE BITCH @@likeme
  4. Do we have those pics?? Like, in that green/blue/aqua dress and other, or covers only??
  5. I have an idea: I'll cry because MTWBT is heavenly beautiful, and I'll cum because of that Freak video
  6. Okay then Wait, are you saying that those lyrics are true?? I trust you the most, when we're talking about Honeymoon
  7. Omfg, I'm dead.. She's soooo beautiful
  8. ... When somebody said "Wait for 500 pages of mess", they weren't serious.. So, please, stop it
  9. Oops, all along I was thinking that you're talking about mv, and that she'll release it in 4 days
  10. I thought that everybody's talking about HM mv.. Maybe I'm wrong, tbh
  11. I still don't get it why would she wait this long to post video for HM, people forgot about that song (non fans ofc).. And HM song with be again overshadowed by MTWBT (if MTWBT is faster than HM)
  12. ^ Who's calling him/them attention whore?? Tell me, and I'll punch them in their faces
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