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Posts posted by WhiteIrishDrinker

  1. Hmm i wonder why you appeared out of nowhere worried about whether or not Elle can read PMs..


    oh that's right you're too busy trading Gods and Monsters, other song Stems and OTTRs mixes. Flaunting them, then getting mad bc people are attacking you that you will never leak them lol!!


    Actually don't have G&M stems or any Lana song stems, I don't have anything Lana unleaked. And i've been here for a while it's just that I don't post too much.

  2. Lana finally collab'ing with real musicians and not hipster bull:) like Grimes and Father John Misty! 


    U can kindly execute yourself for calling grimes not real music and hipster bs. U don't deserve to breathe the same air she does, she's an ART ANGEL

    Yeah Miss America, You're worst than the Summertime Sadness Cedric Gervais Remix! I bet you're the kind of """"FANS"""" who wants Lana to release mainstream sh!t produced by Dr. Luke.

  3. Edit: also LOL @ "no one knows who portishead is" while various members have been posting links to their music in this thread for the past 30 pages :lmao:


    And she was even compared to Portishead on Billboard. And, for teenagers reading this. I did generalize but I never said names because I really don't know anyone here but I suppose if someone felt insulted by my comment is just because I was right. Stop the hating guys, it was an opinion and it wasn't really important! 

  4. That Portishead crap that you guys keep tryna push is terrible. It'd be a good lullaby though. (no wonder no one knows who those people are anymore; snores)


    That's because teenagers didn't grow up listening good music, they're mostly used to the same sound and style over and over again. If a 15 yo kid doesn't know what Portishead is doesn't means the band isn't good or unknown, its just that ignorance is daring. I'm really glad she spend time with Abel in the studio because that mean she STILL not interested in working with mainstream producers.


    And for that person who said that BTD was a Trip Hop album, it really wasn't, at all! You should try listening a few other styles. For example, truly alternative artists, like those who Lana like or might like. You know, music is not only limited to Ariana Grande, Sia, Selena Gomez or Dr. Luke produced songs.

  5. ok but i would be scalped if the album sounds like this, a combination between born to die and ultraviolence 237904909939376131.png pls lana


    I'd LOOOOOOOOVE to hear her sing some trip hop, like the REAL thing. I remember when Billboard of other big magazine compared the beats of Sad Girl and her signing (like a haunting Tarantura or vampire) to the sound of Portishead and it was real. I think that's why I loved SG so much because Its has a great combination of what UV is and that Trip Hop sound that fits her voice very much. This is is actually amazing, i download it thanks haha


    Btw, check the string on this song. Can you imagine Lana signing something like this? It would be a new sound from her but at the same time the strings would be a caracteristic she's always bringing since BTD


  6. Wheres your music career? Can't find it :/


    I'm not talking about me but if you want, go ahead. Even tho my music career is totally non-existent, just like Marina's singles on the Billboard chart, LMAO. Marina can sweep the floor where Lana is going to walk. Also, do you REALLY want Dr. Luke (the rapist) to work with Lana? Man, c'mon, Lana has pride. She doesn't sell herself for a couple of catchy songs, she has proven she can write her own songs with her own team of writers with no help of any mainstream producer to make her sound current.



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