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drowning mermaid

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Posts posted by drowning mermaid

  1. Why would this ruin her career?  :rip:

    idk dude people have had their career ended for stupid small reasons before,, didn’t winona ryder get booted out of hollywood bc she shoplifted like once? it was a whole thing

  2. well then maybe if you don't really know what you're talking about, you shouldn't talk without first doing some research, and in fact the community of color is having more job opportunities than the red-haired population, thanks to these times where "politically correct" is the trend, and I clarify, I do not do this to cause more fighting, or anything like that ...

    you do actually think redheads are the most oppressed minority.. and here i thought we were having a little jokesy joke together

  3. why are people pretending that she didn't?


    bc she did shut them down lol

    you cannot tell me you think that was a well thought out refutation of the criticism leveled at her,, i refuse to believe it

  4. she snapped again



    further proof that the letter was written in five minutes and is just a thoughtless way for her to get all her feelings out


    quarantine has been rough for me too buddy don’t feel bad

  5. ok, a red-haired person is literally more minor than a colored person (I'm not belittling anyone) And I also emphasize that each person is free to say or speak about what they feel and their posture, let's also remember that Lana is a person, like us, and that we are not very perfect to say (if we even are ...)

    yes.. redheads are truly the most oppressed minority.. my heart aches for them

  6. her letter is truly a comedy of errors.. the way she worded it,, the time she posted it,, the people she mentioned,, the way she complimented herself,, “not not a feminist”,, the random release date at the end,, it’s all just.. solid gold


    i couldn’t be this funny if i tried

  7. Is anyone going to adress the fact that she wrote all that to kinda promote her upcoming releases?


    i don’t think it was a good idea though,, literally four people are talking about her actual upcoming album now

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