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drowning mermaid

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Posts posted by drowning mermaid

  1. politics are a reflection of someone’s beliefs and personality, it’s not something you can just ignore. the fact that this guy is a republican says a lot about him, most of it negative, and him being a cop just makes it extra scary because now he’s a republican in a position of power. if lana is okay with dating someone like that then it reveals a part of her personality that i absolutely despise.


    best case scenario she’s completely unaware of his politics (un-fucking-likely) and even then she’s still dating a fucking tv cop (which is unethical as fuck btw, making entertainment out of real people getting arrested is straight up sadistic)

  2. i don’t know if the people defending her are rich enough to go to ten shows each year or just people who worship her so much that just seeing her figure from up close makes the price worth it for them, but either way they are a minority. most people can afford to go to one show like this every two years, and go because they expect their favorite artist to actually sing, or at the very least care enough to try and pretend to sing convincingly


    she’s just ripping people off at this point and she can’t be bothered to better herself

  3. so many of you guys fantasizing about being a housewife to a guy who looks like bill clinton's embarrassing cousin. he looks like the type of guy who tells you to clean up his friend’s puke after an epic house party, whose favorite adjective to describe women is “uppity”, and who thinks it’s a good idea to wake you up in the middle of the night to tell you about how the new alex jones supplements he ordered online will make him even more irresistible to women, so watch out baby


    oh but he has white hair so uhh.. daddy vibes y’all hahaha

  4. i think jack is amazing at letting the personality of whoever he works with shine, rather than trying to musically “talk over” the artist, in the way that btd’s production felt like it was taking lana del rey’s original vision and wrapping cellophane around it. i’m happy that none of the songs in nfr are overproduced enough to take away from the emotionality and lana’s voice (other than htd of course, a mess)


    personally i’d love to see jack and lana work together again, but i also think it’ll be interesting to see her to work with someone new

  5. Now I’m just curious and it opens my brain to more questions lmao does this mean if I sent, let’s say, you if you were in one those countries an explicit NFR album with the correct cover what would happen would you get in trouble? Would it be considered like... “contraband”?


    ehh it’s definitely illegal but if they caught you they’d probably just throw it away and let you off with a warning. you might get jail time if you’re bringing actual pornography or music/books/movies with anti-religion sentiments though.


    if you’re selling western media (that isn’t meant for children) in iran you could get into huge trouble tho. it’s funny actually cuz in a lot of dvd and cd stores you have to walk up to the seller, sort of signal that you want their western stuff (without actually saying it), and if they think you look “hip” and non-religious enough, they let you in the (usually dark) back room where they have crates of western albums and movies.. exciting stuff lmao you feel like you’re in a spy movie

  6. It’s actually pretty funny lmao but why is this even a thing hahaha if you buy a physical copy is it edited then too?

    if you live in iran you’re not legally able to buy albums with western music or music that features a solo female voice (it’s fine if two or more women are singing at the same time tho... for some fucking reason) this site is probably for people who are religious enough that they don’t want to see women without hijabs but not so religious to have a problem with a woman singing solo, at least that’s my guess

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