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rosemead ramada

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Posts posted by rosemead ramada

  1. 31 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

    Isn’t the lyric “got a [censored] who turned on the back beat, busts the shower on while he calls me”


    not “god’s a char”

    Yeah if you listen to the stems you can hear it better... and on top of the word cop being censored, there's another layer of her going "shhh!" which makes the "Got a [shhh!]" sound like "God's a ch..."

    Listen from 17:45:


  2. 8 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

    This album in a strange way has me excited for the next album like no album before. I feel like with this record she is letting go of things that have been on her mind for a long time and now she is starting fresh So I wonder what the next album will be like? I am so excited to see her direction with the next era, but I also can’t wait to soak up this era because it has barely started 

    I was never this excited for COCC or BB. Even when they leaked I was like, "I mean, I guess I'll look for it, but if I don't find it, eh i can wait"

    This era though.... omg Lana just feed me already i am starving :defeated:

  3. laeki3oogkna1.png

    Just added to my collection!!! You don't see the Video Games vinyl come up for sale very often anymore, but I am so happy to finally own it. :party:

    I also got a copy of Complex magazine that has Lana Del "Ray's" first feature in a US magazine! What a tragedy they only included two photos from that gorgeous photo shoot

  4. 1 minute ago, imaginist said:

    I just care about this all too much because of how much I spent on it....lol but oh well, even if I don't really wear it, it'll be really nice to have

    I think the concern about the order of patches is completely valid. I feel the same way and tons of people have since it was posted for sale... It just seems really sloppy that the official merchandise would have such a glaring mistake like that... Like I'm not expecting a Gucci jacket or something, but come on, no one noticed that? No one on Lana's team? :notamused:

    At the end of the day I'll just be happy to have it. I almost didn't buy it!

  5. 5 minutes ago, imaginist said:

    I feel like she has to at least look at it and approve it. She posted the links and pics and everything at one point did she not? She had to have noticed :wtf3:

    I'm also nervous about how it's gonna fit because I feel like I'm awkwardly between a small and medium depending on where it comes from, and I've never owned a racer jacket before so I'm not sure if I should've went smaller or bigger lmao, no idea what to expect


    What if BB is before COCC for some reason only know to Lana? Like, that was a project that was finished first but released second. If they don't fix it that's just what I'm going to tell myself

    I had no idea what sizes to order because they're unisex clothes, and a women's medium and men's medium aren't going to be the same, so like, what was the frame of reference... guess we'll find out :eek2:

  6. 2 minutes ago, imaginist said:

    So I ordered the racer jacket and it should be here mid-April but uhhhh does anyone know if they're gonna fix the order of the patches? Lol COCC and BB need to switch spots. I'm fine with Violet being the last one but idk my OCD is going nuts right now :crying5:

    I sure hope so. It bothers me too, how did they make such an obvious mistake. Does Lana not have a hand in designing this stuff?

    I'm worried about how all the stuff is going to fit

  7. 59 minutes ago, renaissance said:

    Why are we giving this girl attention anyways let her live in delululand 

    Yeah let my little essay be my swan song about the situation. she's obviously lying about everything and if people can't see that, it's not my problem.

    We have too many exciting things to be looking forward to anyway

    I can't wait to add all 6 of my new vinyls to my Discogs collection, and make beautiful spreads of all my merch

  8. She's basically throwing Lana's webstore under the bus now to save her own reputation, I find that so off-putting for someone who says she "loves Lana". People might think Lana's site is unsafe or their bank information is at risk due to her lies.

    So we're supposed to believe a Chinese brushing scam hacked into Lana's site, and out of the tens of thousands of orders placed on it, they picked out Anna's order and only Anna's, made lookalike counterfeits just for her, and mailed them to her two weeks earlier than when she would just end up getting the real stuff anyway? And it's just her who got it, and whose information was stolen? , and no one else, on the entire internet? And their victim just happened to be someone with a Lana Del Rey fan account who would then go on to post about it? Yeah okay.

    And people BELIEVE this?! The "brushing scam" doesn't even make sense. Those are about making sellers on legitimate sites like Amazon or ebay look like they have lots of real sales and they send people who haven't ordered anything empty boxes or boxes with cheap things in them... girl they don't send people literal fake copies of the very thing you ordered and are expecting.

    And see how she is crying about how soooo many people are being "mean" to her? Where? No one is being mean to her. She's saying that because she's trying to gaslight people into thinking she's the victim and to not talk or think about why she had fake merch in the first place. Also trying to change the narrative about being accused of being a scammer. No one's accused her of trying to scam people. Again, that's just a tactic by a guilty person to try and control the narrative against them.

    It also doesn't make sense that she's an innocent victim who someone pranked by sending her fake merch. Way too many stars would need to perfectly align for that to be true. That would require someone finding out her address, going through the trouble of making fake merch, shipping it to her without even knowing whether she would fall for it or even post about it, and still get the real merch anyway when the actual orders ship.  What would be the point? Not. Likely!

    The simplest and most likely explanation is she thought she would have some fun and tease "having the merch" in the weeks before the release date to get people excited about it, and didn't expect people to so easily notice it wasn't real and her plans fell apart.

    I genuinely believe she did order real merch for herself and extra to do real giveaways.... but she doesn't have it yet, just like everyone else. This fake merch is some weird equivalent of people making fake cds/vinyl every era to get attention before the albums come out. I can't take her seriously anymore with the way shes acted since being called out.


  9. So I looked up how early Lana album's leaked in the past and I've got:

    Ultraviolence - 1 day/5 days*
    Honeymoon - 6 days (recordings from UO stores)
    Lust for Life - 3 days
    NFR - 13 days (lq), 3 days (hq)
    COCC - 10 days
    BB - 7 days

    *albums came out on different days in different countries back then. UV leaked one day before its first official release, but this was 5 days before the US release


  10. 2 minutes ago, pehhg said:

    not to scare anyone but i just bouight a copy of ultraviolence and just wait until i leak Brooklyn Baby.. 

    I remember back in the day when Lana revealed the tracklist on FACEBOOK of all places, everyone thought it was a joke bc there was no way she would have a song title as bad as "Brooklyn Baby"

    what a time to be alive

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