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Everything posted by 782anonymous

  1. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Even though I hate Iggy Azalea's rapping, I like Fancy. I want to hear Charli sing over more urban tracks.
  2. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    This should be interesting.
  3. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    I watched the video. He refused to go on with the show because a couple of people wouldn't stand up. He later realized that the people were in wheelchairs. Not only should he have considered ahead of time that some people wouldn't be able to stand up or would have difficulty standing up because of a disability with or without a wheelchair, but he humiliated these individuals in wheelchairs in front of everyone. He even encouraged the crowd to boo them. It doesn't matter if he excused them later on because he realized they were in wheelchairs. The damage was already done. To reiterate, expecting everyone to stand up unless they are in a wheelchair is still unacceptable. This is an assumption that everyone who is not in a wheelchair will not have difficulty standing. He could have at least apologized. You're defending an ignorant narcissist. I didn't know about this part. This makes the incident even worse. He sent his bodyguard to investigate? http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/entertainment/2014/09/kanye-west-on-wheelchair-incident-pick-a-new-target/
  4. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Damn. That was hardcore. I've never told Charli to eat shit, but I'm supposed to be the hater. It's not smart for Charli to insult the 12 people who bought True Romance. It's also not smart to use "retarded" as an insult. If she were to use it like that in a hit song, disability groups would be all over her like they were all over J. Cole for calling other rappers "autistic, retarded." And, that was just a freestyle over a Drake track. She needs sensitivity training, but at least she didn't do what Kanye did demanding that people in wheelchairs stand up at his concert.
  5. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Why are you so focused on starting arguments with me? Don't like what I say, keep scrolling. Y'all talk about me when I'm not even posting. I must be special.
  6. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Charli is likely experiencing cognitive dissonance. She knows her new music is garbage. That's why she feels the need to defend it so forcefully.
  7. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Why does she call everything "punk?" Wearing nightwear in the daytime is punk. Her period is punk. Picking your nose is punk. It's nice to know that she probably smells like cigarette smoke.
  8. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Thanks for the explanation because I couldn't find it anywhere. She could put a disclaimer that they should go after school or on the weekend, but at least it's not direct encouragement to skip school as was worded.
  9. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Vindication. Where did you hear about this?
  10. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    I hate Break the Rules because it sounds awful and has stupid lyrics, not necessarily because Charli is trying to sound Top 40. Today's Top 40 is all around bad, but I was never one of those people who shunned everything mainstream in order to win cool points with underground crowds. Even though I don't understand how Charli can love Justin Bieber so much, I like how she is unapologetic about her love for Top 40, bubblegum pop. In a couple of interviews, she said she doesn't believe in guilty pleasures. If you think something is good, then you think something is good. You shouldn't worry about what other people think about your taste in music or anything else. Grimes is catching a lot of flak for the trap sound in "Go," but I like it. I don't care if people think she's trying to sound mainstream. The song sounds good to me, so I'm going to listen to it. I have no shame in telling someone I like the song. In my opinion, "Go" is better than "Break the Rules" and "Boom Clap" and really isn't all that mainstream. It's different from the trap songs that are getting mainstream attention. Mainstream, trap songs are usually by horrible, southern rappers.
  11. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Thank you. He was an ass. He said that girl bands are terrible. And after you posted that, I found the clip. I didn't search hard enough.
  12. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Does anyone know where to find the part of the interview with Giel where he asks Charli if she's fingering herself? I found part of the interview on the radio station's website along with live performances, but didn't see the "horny goodmorning" part. I know it pissed her off, but I want to hear the context of the question and her reaction on air.
  13. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    It's not your fault people reacted the way they did.
  14. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    If no one agreed with me, then I wouldn't have as many "likes" as I do. This forum is not evidence that most 18-22 year olds enjoy this song. This thread only has about a dozen active participants.
  15. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    What is this in response to? It was already determined that Charli's song is not for the 18-22 crowd. I really don't get what you're arguing. I've tried alcohol like most people. It dumbs you down. I don't like feeling dumb, other people do.
  16. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Then you have no reason to be offended. People should accept that I don't like everything she does. If anyone's opinions are being bashed, they're mine.
  17. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    No, I'm calling those who engage in hero worship simple-minded.
  18. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    In a primitive sense. Some people are easy to amuse. Other people require a higher level of stimulation. I've said positive things about two of her mixtapes and True Romance. I've said a lot more about BTR than "it doesn't appeal to me." I don't do hero worship. It's for the simple-minded.
  19. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    You act like the song is about going to the amusement park. People have ruined a perfectly good word. It should now be banned from the English language. It is all too often used to stifle criticism even when it's deserved. 14 is all about being stupid. There is a reason why 14 year olds aren't even allowed to drive in the U.S.
  20. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    You're just proving my point. Charli makes songs about drugs for children. You can think that's a good thing; you can think that's a bad thing. It's just what it is.
  21. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Kanyetothe has straight, male fans. Their Charli thread is not as active, though.
  22. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    As long as I wrap it up, butts and breasts won't kill me. The human body is natural and beautiful. It shouldn't be compared to toxins.
  23. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    -KillJoy28 You haven't been shot yet? Have y'all read the comments section of the Break the Rules video? The consensus is that it's ridiculous for a 22 year old to be singing about not going to school. Obviously, this song is targeted at school-aged children. I'm also not the only one who is bothered by the message of this "party song" considering who it's directed at. I wouldn't think a party song by and for a 20 year olds would talk about not going to school. That's just stupid. Oh, and she's now being linked to the Illuminati. She has arrived. Does anyone know Charli's cup size? A celebrity boob website says she's a b-cup, but that can't be possible. She has to at least be a C.
  24. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    I'm noticing a theme in Charli's videos. She likes closeups of her ass. There are at least three closeups in Break the Rules. Too bad those shorts were kind of baggy. They should have done more closeups when she was standing on top of the bus because her ass was hanging out of that outfit. In Boom Clap and You (Ha Ha Ha), she had on spandex pants, and in Superlove, she had on a tight dress. Those closeups were awesome. She was in her underwear in What I Like, but she had no ass back then.
  25. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    She changes her story on her name every other month; that's why people are confused.
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