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Everything posted by 782anonymous

  1. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Thank you. She doesn't like being the only black person at places. Like I said earlier, I don't really look black... My half sister, on the other hand, is dark-skinned and doesn't care.
  2. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    My date wants to know if there are any black people at Charli XCX concerts. I don't know why this matters because it's not like we're going to be around a bunch of Neo-Confederates, but I don't want to discount her feelings being that I look more Hispanic than black.
  3. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    In other news, Charli's 18 year old breast popped out on stage. Rose McGowan is going to have a heart attack.
  4. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    I don't know why she's blaming the director. It looks like Charli was heavily involved with the treatment. I thought Charli was always heavily involved with the treatment of her music videos. If Rose McGowan bothered to watch Charli's other videos, she would see that Charli always has pans and closeups of her behind. Her ex-boyfriend directed most of her past videos, and she didn't have a problem with it. Charli said that Sucker will be sexy and explore femininity. Also, Charli is 22, not 18. With all of this bad information she's throwing out there, I can't even bother with listening to the rest of the podcast.
  5. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    So the bus driver was supposed to look like Otto Mann. I'm going to have to disagree with her method of writing this song. Some of the biggest hits have been dumb songs, but I don't think most artists intentionally make these songs dumb. I think they intentionally try to write something simple and catchy that just comes out dumb. Some artists just don't have the cognitive ability to write something intelligent. Other artists just take what they can get from writers and producers or are forced to go a certain direction from their record companies. There have been many simple songs that have become hits, but aren't necessarily dumb.
  6. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    A woman after my own heart. Doritos Locos Tacos are the best thing to come out of Taco Bell. The comments for this video will make SJW heads explode. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AF79lcRKm4 It's interesting that people still use "Fancy" to remind people who she is. She's had her own hit with "Boom Clap."
  7. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    That's disappointing. I hope MO will be able to compensate for Iggy's wackness.
  8. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    I've been avoiding listening to 14 because Charli doesn't want people to listen to it and I thought I would be in for something terrible. But, I finally listened to an upload on YouTube out of curiosity. Wow! That is quite impressive for a 14 year old and better than most of the brain dead stuff she's been releasing in the past year. Oh. And now I get the "14 is all about being free" reference.
  9. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    There's nothing that can save that song. It's Avril Lavigne on steroids. Breaking Up doesn't sound like it could be an Avril Lavigne song, but it's too whiny for my liking.
  10. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Out of all the potential hits she has on her album, she chooses "London Queen."
  11. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    They're even out on StubHub, but it looks like some are available on Craigslist. Is my date worth $70-100?
  12. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    She's sold out in Austin and isn't coming to San Antonio. A lot of artists skip San Antonio even though we're the 7th largest city in the country and 2nd largest city in Texas. Maybe I'll catch her at SXSW.
  13. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    No one is uncomfortable. This is just orchestrated, fake outrage by people who already don't like me for my drug-free stance. That only makes me a bad person in bizarro world.
  14. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Thank you. Sexism is prejudice and discrimination against a sex based on stereotypes. It's not like I said Charli is only good for sex.
  15. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    Do you have a comment to make? No one would have a problem with my comments if I were talking about dildos or being a top, versatile, or bottom. Who was the person who defended Iggy Azalea's racism, homophobia, and making money off of being a caricature of southern African Americans? I don't want to ascribe that instance to the wrong person.
  16. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    If I view the forum while logged out, I still have to see that person's posts. It makes much more sense to view the thread while logged in because all of his posts will be hidden. I just started using it for the one heterophobic poster who is obsessed with starting arguments with me. He can waste his negative energy all he wants making posts I won't read. An overgrown, internet bully is not going to run me off.
  17. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    I'm glad this forum has an ignore function.
  18. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    I already brought up the Creative Commons License. Any artist has a choice to use it. I see no problem with it. If an artist wants to make unreleased music available for free, then there is always SoundClick, Bandcamp, SoundCloud, and similar websites. They can even put the music up on their own website. Many artists already do this. I don't see why people feel like they're entitled to someone's unreleased music. As someone who has made music in the past, I feel like I should have absolute control over something I created.
  19. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    It encourages the creation of artistic works by giving people rights to their works. You can download a paper on the history of copyright law in the U.S. Authors argued for the passage of copyright laws because of widespread piracy. Instead of the authors, printing presses controlled the reproduction of literary works. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1941506
  20. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    It is a legal gray area, but the courts are not going to side with someone reproducing music for personal enjoyment. If they were to do that, then that would lead to legalizing peer 2 peer sharing of music. There has to be some clear, non-profit purpose for reproducing the music. Peer 2 peer file sharing is non-profit, but people have been fined and lost lawsuits for doing this because its purpose is to avoid paying for music, movies, software, etc. The copyright laws are there to protect intellectual property and to give artists control over their property. If people are reproducing their works without their consent, then they have lost control. For artists who want to give consumers more flexibility in reproducing their works, there is the Creative Commons License. Edit: Why was my name mentioned in another thread?
  21. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    It should be after the fake outrage over nipples.
  22. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    The pitched down version of QT is actually not that bad.
  23. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    I don't care what people think about me. There were comments about her nipples and areolas before I came here. Most people here think you're an asshole. You're just in denial.
  24. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    You might not have told anyone to eat shit, but you stay making smart ass remarks to people simply expressing their opinion. Either disagree with the person like a civilized human being or keep it moving. That shit is not cute; it's rude. I hope you don't talk like that in real life, or you just might get your ass beat one day. You're a mean, ugly, little person on the inside. Most of your responses to me are not for my sexual comments, so don't try to use that as an excuse. You mostly say some shit to me because you don't like my opinion on music or lyrics. I've tried to ignore you, but you're persistent. Do you notice how I almost never start an exchange with you? Do you notice how almost every argument I've been in has been ignited by you? You're the fucking problem.
  25. 782anonymous

    Charli XCX

    You don't know what a troll is. The real definition of a troll is you because you're constantly starting arguments. It's not just with me. You've personally attacked several people when it was uncalled for. I haven't told anyone here to eat shit, chew glass, or anything like that. I haven't even said those things about Charli. I have been rather restrained in my speech considering that almost everyone here has attacked me several times.
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