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Posts posted by mkultraviolence

  1. We don't know what Lana gets from attending church services, and we don't know what her relationship is with religion. Maybe she goes to those churches because they're frequented by celebrities so she knows she can attend and be left alone. Who knows. All I do know is that there's nothing about her that seems homophobic to me. She has a massive gay following and has always seemed supportive in my opinion. I mean, she's in a lesbian relationship in the Summertime Sadness video after all.


    that was for views and publicity AKA  IS SAD GIRL LANA DEL REY GAY??? headlines

  2. there is a weird irony about the lyrics in looking for america given she's attending a christian megachurch with a fuckload of money being pumped into it which operates a bit like a multimillion dollar cult which is pretty much exactly what gave rise to the KKK's second wave and christian fundamentalists during the 20s. idk drag me 


    I think she feels lost and hopeless and she needed to put those feelings into a song because that's how she expresses herself. and Looking for America shows that. it shows her feeling helpless and i think that's genuinely how she is feeling. but it's obvious she has only a surface level of understanding about racism, homophobia, misogyny, classism or any oppression or hate. her decades worth of music and being in the public eye speaks for itself. i remember that one time some guy on here tried telling us how she isn't submissive and his only evidence was Live or Die lyrics. you could write a book on her ignorance

  3. That streaming version's second verse makes much more sense now - her describing what she was doing before in her life and then summing it up with "so many things I think about before I do... NOW" instead of "...YEAH ". That suggests reflecting on her previous actions and fits the narrative, meanwhile the yeah version just sounds like a "it's a Lana song so I'll sing about bars because it's me". I loved it before but I appreciate it so much more now that I think I got what the hell the second verse is about


    Edit: On another listen I also assumed that thinking twice about going to the drive ins could be because of safety reasons? Like she feels threatened walking out at night like in GBA and stuff? What do you guys think? 


    i don't know where you're from but it's 10000% about "safety reasons". America has had deadly mass shootings at movie theaters and at other recreational venues like festivals and clubs. She would go out and listen to the blues which is a fun, recreational activity for her. Scared she'll get shot up.

  4. I don't know if it's been discussed / mentioned already, or how relevant it is, but does anyone else feel... uncertain about the references to the H of the Hollywood sign in the title track and the trailer? Didn't someone commit suicide by jumping off it? I know it's probably a coincidence or at least not the meaning, but also having the first line to a song called 'lust for life' be a possible reference to suicide is kind of interesting. Some of the songs, like cherry, have a very tongue-in-cheek feeling to them. Following lfl with 13 beaches makes more sense if it's a purposeful reference, with lines like 'we dance on the H of the hollywood sign.... gotta dance til we die' and even the infamous 'take of all your clothes' taking on a much more cynical meaning



  5. Guys, this is completly random, but I would just like to say thank you for making up LanaBoards. I've been lurking on and off since 2014 and after my show last month I started to become really excited about Lana again and I decided to come here more often and keep up with y'all. Not only it's nice to be in a place where I could read or write and fangirl about the singer I hold the most close to my heart with other people who somewhat feel the same, but it's been really important to me to find a distraction. I'm on summer vacation, don't have that many friends or things to do (or the will to do something more elaborate), and I'm going through some sort of heartbreak right now and trying to relearn how to go through my life without having someone in my life the way I used to have.

    There's some drama around but that keeps me entertained too. It's amazing how we have so many different views about something. You're all pretty funny and talented. Looking at some of your posts has been really comforting these past days when I'm currently feeling the most alone I ever did in years, so, yeah... Thank you   :rollin:

    This is cheesy but let me heal in peace. One post short from page 3000.


    thanks for opening up and sharing! that's super awesome and hard to do. and i'm glad The Boards are comforting <3333 

  6. the post lfl members of this forum are awful for blowing smoke up each other’s asses and convincing themselves they’re entitled to lana’s content.


    patience is a virtue. the album is coming, not like any of you guys even deserve new content from her at this point.


    she deadass just banged out her best album in two years and this is how y’all act.


    yawn x2.


    it ain't OUT YET


    patience is your virtue, not mine

  7. This is the last album I'm here for. I'm just...not a selfless person? I don't do things for free. When I support an artist, I expect a certain amount of consideration, and also effort on their part. It's nice that she cares enough about her fans to sign things and take pictures, but I personally don't appreciate being lied to and led on for months. I'm not going to scream her name until my voice goes out or harass her to sign my Ultraviolence vinyl, but I certainly would have benefited from a simple "sorry guys, focusing on other projects, album won't be out till fall" tweet back in January. The overall lack of effort has been more than pronounced, in every aspect of her art. This is shaping up to be the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.gif


    Jokes aside (no, I don't seriously believe they replaced her with a clone) it really feels like the Lana I knew & loved for 5 years is dead and gone. Being a fan of several artists who are actually dead, that's not a deal-breaker for me; these 5 years of A+ quality are not erased from my memory. The person & artist she used to be still is quite important to me. But the person she is now bores and disappoints me. Half the time she's 34 going on 13, and the rest she's 34 going on 50. The few glimpses of the "old Lana" we get every now and then are simply not enough. I'll hold onto the past, but I can't being myself to be half as invested in the present, or the future. She can go and become a mumble rapper for all I care. I have Born To Die, Paradise, UV, Honeymoon, AKA, even Lust For Life and Sirens, not to mention hundreds of unreleased songs to remember her by. I already like some songs from NFR, and chances are I'll like at least a couple more. But the rest just feels flat and generic.


    this is exactly how I feel. every time you post something i can immediately identify with it. 



    Wouldn't be typing if I was having a meltdown. I realize it isn't always easy to understand someone's tone online, but I'm literally just lying in bed chilling, watching a lip swatch video and reading through people's posts here, waiting to see if I'm going to start feeling tired enough to sleep anytime soon. I'm not sobbing hun. And things...are okay? That was what my post was supposed to convey. "Sad" doesn't mean "hysterically inconsolable"; sometimes you just have a hint of a frown on your face. I'm not going to stick my head in the oven because Hope's production isn't to my taste. Just in case you were considering a welfare check.


    everything you say, gosh, i just wanna tattoo it on my neck

  8. People never learn indeed. The first Cinnamon Girl snippet had so many thinking it was boring. Only one or two noticed the beat in the distance. If you listen to FIILY snippet, There’s guitar coming at the end.

    i can actually hear the electric guitar drop @@California mentioned. Like the shades of cool solo kinda.


    imagine: fuckitiloveyUO (DNDNNNNDNDNDNDNDNDNNDNNNNN)


    omg its so epic, i hear it guys i can almost h-

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