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Posts posted by yayoop

  1. 42 minutes ago, jimmyjimmycocoapuff said:

    that chicks song... it's in the trinity of robin, ronan, and epiphany, all the same song for me

    I love the Chicks and I am destroyed that I can never listen to “soon you’ll get better” because it’s so heartbreaking and brutal

    i love that TSwizzle has a bunch of songs that are just so heart wrenching they’ll never be played again 

  2. Add the Lana subreddit to this thread, a lot of them are cooked over there. I swear to fucking Jesus Christ our lord if another straight guy goes “I’m a guy who loves lana but is 101% straight” I’m gonna off myself


    like shut up, your insecurity is showing so hard

    Just love the music, who gives a fuck

  3. Spoiler

    Okay so I finally listened oops


    “I know, I know, I know that you hate me” - is iconic. 
    “my boyfriend tested positive for covid, it don’t matter, we’ve been kissing. So whatever he has, I have, I can’t cry” - is so stupidly Lana I’m obsessed


    i love…


    Paris, Texas

    Let the Light In



    Taco Truck x VB



    I haven’t heard candy necklace (lol)

    but I’m really feeling this album, I can’t wait to have a proper listen through


  4. 2 minutes ago, Furor Poeticus said:

    I’m about to listen to it so please tell me if it has many highlights, if there’s a lot of fillers and if it was worth the wait at all?

    It’s all personal opinion bebe just listen and see how you feel about it

    But so I’m not annoying and actually respond to you

    i will say i think there’s a good bunch of bops and the 3am tracks are predominantly fillers, some tunes are unexpected

  5. God 3:00 minutes onward is incredible, the rise and the fall and then SNOW ON THE BEACH!! You can hear Lana throughout so softly and I love it tbh, I’m at peace since I know TSwizzle is always like this with female collaborators so my expectations were tempered. I honestly love this song, it feels so Lana and so Taylor, Jack put them together and layered them so beautifully. 

    it’s weird but fucking beautiful 

  6. I love it tbh, I’m here for the production, the bizarre structures, some kitsch lyrics

    but my damn TSwizzle does it for me. Just had an album listen through with my friend and I’m here for it. All of Midnights and half of the 3am songs, and the HitsDifferently bonus track is a bop. 

    she does it again

  7. 6 hours ago, Elle said:

    Here's a full transcription of the video I mentioned earlier, for anyone who wanted to go back and reference what she said - 


    "So, I wanted to talk to you guys about something for a minute. A few months ago, I parked my car on Melrose Place and I stepped away for a minute, and the one time I left my backpack inside my car, someone broke all of the windows and took it, and inside of it was my computer, and my three camcorders, and my hard drives. & I had to remotely wipe the computer that had my 200-page book for Simon & Schuster, which I didn’t have backed up on a cloud because we do not have any, you know, cloud systems that we access, and despite that people are still able this week to remotely access my phone and leak our songs and personal photos. & I just want to mention that despite all of this happening, I am confident in the record to come and despite so many safety factors in so many different levels, I really want to persist and make the best art I can, and even if I have to start over with my book, which I do. You know, obviously, I won’t ever leave anything in the car again even if it’s just for a moment, but we’ve had the same issues at the house and it is a constant thing. & Although I’m so grateful to be able to share all of the good stuff, I just also want to share that it has been a challenge. & I think it’s important to say that it is a bit of a roadblock in terms of the creative process and keeping things safe and valuable and keeping me safe as well with all of the action that’s been going on around me, my home, everywhere I go. & So I don’t even think a plea for a respect of some privacy would even do anything, but I do want to be honest about the fact that I do have concerns about what’s going to be out there and the two years’ worth of videos that we have from the family and everything we were planning on turning in to. Just a small snippet of our lives over the last couple of years and whatever else may have been on there. Not exactly sure what’s gonna happen with it, but that’s just what’s been going on, and with everything leaking lately I just want to bring it to light that it’s hard and there’s really nothing to be done because I can’t really make my devices any safer. You know, however people access them is unbeknownst to me and unavoidable unless I just completely don’t have them and no one has them in terms of the songs. So, I’m hoping that nothing else, you know, becomes available or stolen. & This is just an off-the-cuff thought that I’ve had for a long time that I don’t really like to share things that are going not to plan, but you know, it’s why I’ve been private in the first place and it doesn’t really seem to have any bearing on whether or not things actually stay private, but you know, even if what I’m left with is just my innermost thoughts, I accept that, but just want to say that it is a challenge. And, um, so… Please don’t listen to the music if you hear it because it’s not coming out yet, and in terms of the book, I loved the book that I lost with all of my heart and put a lot of passion into it, and in terms of the camcorders we shall see what happens with that. So, that is an update that I would obviously normally not give, but I’m worried about it. So, you know, now that it’s like the third time that this has happened, I just wanted to address it. So, that’s that and onward and upward and, um, we’ll see. Thanks."

    This is so sad, the poor thing, this is genuinely heartbreaking she sounds so sad gah this would be so awful to have to deal with.

    it’s like being held at ransom but with your art/soul

  8. Lana stepped away from the spotlight to just be creative and live free like she’s wanted to for years and this shit keeps happening to her. It’s so awful, I feel so sad for her, I hope she can find peace and comfort after such a gross invasion of privacy


    edit: img I just really thought about it, like I use my notes on my phone as a personal diary, imagine if someone else had them and could share them at anytime. How stressful and vulnerable that would make you feel, I’m literally anxious rn, I’m signing up for a VPN

  9. Also adding I’ve noted over the years that Taylor’s collaborations with women are generally song writing and background vocals, whereas her male collaborators generally have a more prominent role in a song (generally beyond just a verse feature) but I think this is more to do with them fulfilling a more heteronormative role as a counterpart to Taylor - obviously since she generally writes about her personal relationships. She did have a song on a RedTV  vaulted song with a female collaborator who had more of a prominent role in the song beyond just background vocals so there is always a chance Lana could be the same but I don’t know. Anyways I’m going off the track (HBTB) 

    so TLDR: if there’s a Lana feature my guess is that it’s more of a songwriting collab and/or background vocals and harmonies


    altho I would be lying if I said I don’t want a “Breaking Up Slowly” styled collab, or even “Dance til we die” embrace that 60’s Nancy Sinatra jazz country gurls

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