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Posts posted by yayoop

  1. Also adding I’ve noted over the years that Taylor’s collaborations with women are generally song writing and background vocals, whereas her male collaborators generally have a more prominent role in a song (generally beyond just a verse feature) but I think this is more to do with them fulfilling a more heteronormative role as a counterpart to Taylor - obviously since she generally writes about her personal relationships. She did have a song on a RedTV  vaulted song with a female collaborator who had more of a prominent role in the song beyond just background vocals so there is always a chance Lana could be the same but I don’t know. Anyways I’m going off the track (HBTB) 

    so TLDR: if there’s a Lana feature my guess is that it’s more of a songwriting collab and/or background vocals and harmonies


    altho I would be lying if I said I don’t want a “Breaking Up Slowly” styled collab, or even “Dance til we die” embrace that 60’s Nancy Sinatra jazz country gurls

  2. I cannot stand Ed Sheeran’s music, I have a close friend who is obsessed with him and every day I wonder if I need to stop seeing her


    I’m also not in LilNasX, I have no reasons, I just don’t vibe ~ glad he’s doing good? I just don’t care


    Oh god and Sam Smith, I’m not here for them at all



    I’m not here to fight, I was just answering a question


  3. I love CoCC so much, I think it’s actually one of my favourite Lana albums, I’m shocked tbh

    Other than the songs - I love most of the songs tbh

    The whole album just reminds me of a cold turning warm time that is lovely to be transported to when I listen to it

    Idk think that makes sense ahaha


    I mean, Lana’s albums kinda sit in a pocket of my life that reminds me of something when I listen to them

    and idk if it’s the escapist feeling she’s created on CoCC but this one sits so well in a time for me where everything was feeling chaotic but was also beginning to slow down and I was reaching the light at the end of a tunnel


    Whenever I listen to it, i get that feeling~
    I don’t mean to be so dramatic ahaha


  4. 1 hour ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

    i'm the same girl i've always been, i promise :cryney2::trisha: a fake lazy ass lana stan :trisha:


    I need you to say 9 hail lanas and we’ll be able to move on from this traumatic period








    1 hour ago, honey is that true said:

    I've never watched it :slayty:


    I’ll be praying for you all

    I’m gonna watch it three times now to repent for your sins (two extra times for you guys)

  5. So many tbh


    BettyBoopBoop was so absurd, I remember I was smoking joints with my boyfriend and his friend and I played it to them it was so bizarre


    Roses because it was always never going to happen AND THEN IT DID


    The OG untouchable 5, I was walking home from a bar and listened to them, it was so amazing gah


    we have truly been blessed

  6. 28 minutes ago, wildflowerwildfire said:

    not her saying she won’t release her next album on vinyl :cryney:

    That sent shivers down my spine, I doubt she would completely disregard putting it on vinyl - she gets sooooo many sales from her vinyl! I can imagine her putting out a digital record and then down the track her label will force it to be printed



    Or someone will just have to print their own versions and sell them:oic:


  7. If you were to make a Lana album out of this concept, using her entire discography, what would it look like?


    I’m imagining a 12 track album with each section representing a different point in time that shows Lana’s journey from the beginning to now. Using her lyrics and the stories she tells, how would you lay them out to be like a timeline in album form?

    What it was like:

    1: Boarding School

    2: This Is What Makes Us Girls/Driving in Cars with Boys

    3: Queen of the Gas Station

    4: Ride


    What happened:

    5: In the Land of Gods and Monsters

    6: Dealer

    7: Ultraviolence

    8: Fine China


    What it’s like now:

    9: 13 Beaches

    10: Chemtrails over the Country Club

    11: Violets for Roses

    12: Sweet Carolina


    I’m curious to see how you guys might interpret this! Share your album tracklist below :kiss:


    (This was actually harder than I thought)

    (I don't like my track list, I'll have to try it again another day)




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