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Everything posted by lola

  1. It’s been a year and a half since the singer Lana Del Rey hatched fully formed from the pop incubator, like a “gangsta Nancy Sinatra,” as she once put it. Her music evokes the ghostlier, echo-drenched aspects of longing and heartbreak; stylistically, her presentation of retro-noirimagery defies absolute interpretation. Even before the January 2012 launch of her major-label debut album, Born to Die—being re-released this month with eight new songs as “The Paradise Edition” and including the Rick Rubin–produced single “Ride”—critics set about their analysis of her persona. “Part true, part false,” came the judgment, but no mere pre-packaged pop confection. “I’ve been doing what I do for a long time,” Del Rey, née Lizzy Grant, says. “I’ve had a life. I don’t need to create a person to live through.” Before Lana Del Rey, the New York City–born, Lake Placid–raised Grant sought a way to tell her story. “I wanted to be a writer, to be involved, but I didn’t know how,” she says. “I was looking for answers.” Many of her early supporters in New York were in fashion, and Lizzy morphed into Lana. “Style was never my forte,” she says, but she’s having an impact. At some recent concerts the stage was dressed as a tropical forest—“the Garden of Eden twisted into the Garden of Evil,” she calls it—and fans came wearing the rhinestone tiaras and floral garlands of the decorative Del Rey look. “It wasn’t something I set out to create,” she says. “Personally, I keep things pretty simple. I love making music. The rest I don’t really think about.”
  2. I reorganized...I think I liked it better before.
  3. Oh, I love this man and this speech.
  4. Obama's on stage! (if anyone's even still here)
  5. Could Germany now legalize weed, please?
  6. Romney just called Obama. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20009190 Watch Romney concede at 0:55 EST.
  7. Florida and Alaska haven't been called yet.
  8. Vote for the introduction of the Romney-bullshit-emoticon here: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/957-update-requests-october-30th/page__st__40#entry24975 @MittRomney party has suddenly thinned out. It's possible there are now more journalists here than supporterspic.twitter.com/Bepb9XVy
  9. That photo of Michelle and Barack has been retweeted more than 300k times. Romney still doesn't want to concede.
  10. Washington legalized Marijuana Nope, he's probably writing his concession speech right now.
  11. Romney only wrote a victory speech.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk...canada-20009190
  13. Our nation is a once great nation divided! Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before. This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy! More votes equals a loss...revolution! Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us. We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided! - Donald Trump
  14. Obama: 281 Romney: 203 "WELL HOLD ON A SECOND NOTHING IS FOR SURE YET!" - FOX News
  15. Obama: 275 Romney: 203 YEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!
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