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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. I think she's the type of person that's not really..hm... "OPEN" but can be  "friendly"


    When she came to Brazil last year she did like 3 shows and she met one national act and she turned into some... type of "friend" after meeting before the show. Also a lot of people met her or something and it was like she acted really nice with the fans taking pictures and stuff

  2. I took a printscreen of the downtown acoustic vid and I'm just having a breakdown that I cannot share it here kdnjdjnejkenjknjkrnkr






    Anyway, her face on the last chorus. Epic.

    also the "bridge" effect...

  3. i literally started stanning her in december 2015 so imagine my surprise when collxtion ii was supposed to come out that spring... and now here we are a year later crying


    Actually same sis LMAO. Someone asked me to listen to Bitch like November 2015 and I didn't really like it but never enough came right after and...i was shook



    Stand Back  (Stevie Nicks Cover)



    I feel so stupid that Stand Back is a cover


    it was like my top5 when I was stanning hard the unreleased collection nn

  5. No, I don't think so :( I never saw that.






    I think u will be fine nn "the rest of the spaces will be first come first serve" I don't think the gays will go so wild to get a sold out church n

  6. Hol up....is it free when u register or no? it says its an RSVP but like it says I have tickets already...am I going or do I have to wait until I get accepted or something??



    I think it's free, I opened the tab and it just asks for the personal info shit it's it's a "first come first serve" til sell out


    Oh she tweeted


    Here's the venue of the Toronto show on September 25th. Winners will be notified by Friday via email! RSVP here: http://alliexto.eventbrite.com/ 



    I think it will be a lottery thing. Did u retweet her other tweet before hit 20? seems like these 20 are guaranteed 

  7. interested in this already because hopefully it means we may get something before 2022 this time  :creep:


    Rememer she kept teasing CLX II would be released in 2016...like..spring release or something??? :creep: 

  8. ...This actually seems possible :rip:


    She'll scrap the footage or she'll re-use it for Coachella-Woodstock In My Mind's video.

    And some may say "but she already said that there's a White Mustang video!1!, she can't just ditch it". Yeah, say that to Yosemite.



    I usually would be that one but then I remember "Radio" "Cola" "Dark Paradise" and other songs that she was like "Yes...I'll be making a vid for these...  yeeeeeah..." :lel:


    But for real everything on this era took a long time to happen so I'm just ok. Lust For Life, the album itself, the preorder...

  9. Just read her interview with popcrush and for real it's so nice


    "Are you already thinking ahead to CollXtion III?

    Yeah, I’m already writing new songs! On the plane ride yesterday I was going through some older and new ideas, and kind of getting an idea of where to go next."


    "You’re obviously an extremely visual person. In an ideal world, would you be interested in doing something like a visual album?

    Oh man, that’d be amazing. I have so many ideas, but I also don’t want to… I don’t know. Music videos cost a lot, and with these elaborate ideas that I have, I feel that it’s almost better to do something kind of lo-fi. Until I have real budgets to do what I see in my head, I prefer to do one extreme or the other in terms of lo-fi and hi-fi, because I think the videos that fall in the middle don’t look great a lot of the time. It just depends on the concept, I think. I feel like the “Paper Love” video is a good example. It’s something that’s not super complicated, but I think it hits its mark, so I’m happy with that."


    I wonder how she feels about Catch video for real. It's the type of vid that... U would expect it from a big artist or at least one "alt. one" that had $$$ & years on the road to do that, and it was her debut...

    Also now I understand TMTD & ATR videos..........


    I wish she could be in a label that wouldn't pin her down with all the amazing concepts & ideas she probably creates everyday.

    I think it's worth reading the interview





    "I don’t have any shame about writing or listening to pop music."

                                                         Idol  :flutter: 


    I’m not going to be the one who touches him on the shoulder and says, “Hey, maybe you should rethink the way you’re doing that.” I’d be like, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, DO YOU REALIZE HOW STUPID YOU SOUND? YOU’RE EMBARRASSING YOURSELF.”



  10. you guys still think there's gonna be a WM video? :awkney:


    100%. I don't think she would say it's coming and then leaving it. It's probably post-production. All the videos this era so far were really well produced and the "post-production" probably was what took most of their time. Tbh it's not like the video will save the album chart or make the song go into a top10 itunes so...I'm just happy we're getting a third video lmao and it's probably the last one so...

    Also I never thought I would say this but I prefer the... "Folksy-acoustic" side of the record over the "Trap-Upbeat"... but I'm glad we have both because if it was only one, I would probably get bored. 

    It's nice u can hear Tomorrow Never Came and then strip down to In my Feelings n

    Groupie Love is my least favorite song on the record even tho it was way better than summer bummer for me at the release... wow

  11. Of MATD4?


    In general

    I think I only remember maybe a snippet from Power & Control demo "N" that didn't leak in full but...


    looking back when everything leaked, it was easier :creep:

    I think MATD4 will be only marina producing and writing so no leaks :creep: n

  12. There's two versions of INHA?




    I think Eclipse has it


    why 2 versions?

    rip this song JUST LEAK IT PLS GOD


    Imagine how iconic it leaks in full and marina upploads it 1 day later on YouTube like she did with True Colors cover n

  13. farhan has been tweeting supposed lyrics to tea and sire, but idk if they actually have anything else


    I think he's just messing around. They migh have something but unlikely they will leak now I guess. 

    TBH I Have a feeling someday DJWS will just leak all the songs on the internet somehow nnn it's just so awkward to know the songs exist but just not coming out. I guess some of them are with traders and stuff for real... It's just crazy how people have stuff, I mean:





    In 20 years, the last song I would guess about "STEMS LEAK" would be... I like it Rough

    If people have that type of shit, imagine the ton of unreleased real stuff nnnn

    soon this will be 10 years old and we're still not having it nn





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