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Everything posted by SweetHenny

  1. It literally reminded me of Kate in some moments, my wig flew OFF. The way she played with the sound of some songs, who the fuck said we are getting piano ballads again, so not true
  2. Guys I am in tears I'm in the second part of the album now and I am speechless, it is her MODERN MANIFESTO! It is literally an amazing flawless record, so versatile in its sound too but stays cohesive at the same time. It is literally mindblowing! It is timeless
  4. Baby me too like what the fuck. I RAN THERE but it was already closed
  5. 1 HOUR until the album is availiable in Russia! My bussy is ready
  6. Me contemplating wether it's worth making a funny joke vs getting a WP for participating in yet another gifgate
  7. Okay but serious questions now: what is LDR9 vynil colour and era flower?
  8. This messy delusional and ICONIQUE sitcom has been renewed for 1323590203 more seasons so get ready for more darling
  9. I haven't been a really active member here during this particular pre-release only occasionally dropping by to post some stupid jokes and gifs but for me it's always so special to know that there is an amazing place called LanaBoards where I can be crazy, have fun, laugh, speculate and enjoy some drama This pre-release has been as amazing and iconic as LFL, NFR and COCC ones that I've witnessed. Here's to the amazing lipsters and let's celebrate today by streaming the fuck out of this new album! I LOVE YOU ALL GIRLIES Cheers!
  10. I just know that Alexis Mysogynytridis guy from The Flopardian is preparing his 3/5 stars rating for BB without even listening to a single song
  11. Me waiting for the 22nd cause I am still trying to avoid listening to the leak
  12. "If you lie down with me" mentions Barrie's dick size in the lyrics, listen and find out
  13. We talked about questions for the culture so many times and on this album she will answer these questions
  14. I have some really interesting juicy leaked info about the album I copied from a very reliable insider source on ATRL. Beware for spoilers! May be just speculation tho
  15. Lipsters if they don't get "Blue Banisters LEAK 10.5 kbps" folder a week before the album release
  16. SweetHenny


    Her totally experimental 'good girl gone bad" with EDM, rap and avant garde influences will be the album "69" coming in 2060 so glue your wigs on and be ready
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