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house of balloons

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Posts posted by house of balloons

  1. See, that’s a perfect example of the problem I have with the production on Honeymoon. TBD sounds beautiful in the beginning and it has elements of other songs (like Art Deco) that make it sound consistent, but then those trap beats kick in and it feels like a demo when I hear the instrumentation alone. Rick has produced some great songs for her, but on other tracks on Honeymoon and LFL (on Honeymoon especially) I’ve always felt there was something lacking.


  2. I wonder how she'll be able to mix both the aesthetics of Fuck it, I love you and The Greatest, like The Greatest seems to have this sorta late 90s bar setting whereas Fuck it, I love you, at least from the album trailer and what she teased on Instagram seems to have this 50s muscle beach kinda vibe idk


    i hope it has an interlude that bridges between the two songs, pretty far fetched but we do our best at imagination 

    You also realize that Taylor has an army of fan to back her up for her weak music too? We are definitely a dedicated bunch, leaks or not, but Lana doesn't attract crowds as much as Taylor, even though Lana's music is miles ahead. 


    Agreed, not only does Taylor have a gigantic fandom, she also has the general public's back and a good PR team. 


    I love the references in California - " I'll catch you on the flipside"

    and I believe "Your favorite liquor off the top-shelf" is a Carmen reference



    she's taking the recycling movement way too seriously now


    but on a serious note, i love the flipside reference the most, mostly because of how powerful both songs are lyrically

    The double MV will be released on thursday for those who keep questioning it



    she should work with rich lee more often 

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