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Posts posted by BoardingSchool

  1. Her gown is custom and by Redemption... what an appropriate brand name! Maybe a little in-joke that NFR has been her "redemption" with critics?   :brows: It kind of looks like they took the skirt from this one and changed the top.


    I wonder if her Grammy's gown will be by them too? Imagine her in something like the last 2 on this page! :legend:


    And these are her shoes by Zanotti. They were $1,000 but marked down to under $300 if any of you want some!  :hooker:

  2. #you're-stepping-on-my-dress-move   :legend:


    #Lana'sLeftLeg  :sluttybunny:


    It is embarrassing how excited I am that she actually made an effort! ** runs around high-fiving everyone in this thread** Between the first posted video (where the paps are telling Sean to back off so they can get pics of just her) and "Move!", I hope Sean is prepared to take a major in your car in the backseat to the Queen  :brows:

  3. I stole your girlfriend's keys, kicked her out of your place


    I love psycho Lana so much  :lmao:


    Now that Pico is dead, does anyone else have this one with the stupid rap part removed?

  4. She's got a kid and two cats in the yard.


    Perhaps she meant a baby goat instead of a human child? Rad.


    LOL! Since she's quoting Crosby, Stills, & Nash's "Our House" lyrics, I think "two cats in the yard" is just shorthand for a white-picket-fence perfect life ("I'll light the fire" in VB is a quote from that same song), but maybe so!  :teehee:


    Here's Lizzy Grant with a cat in her trailer park: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/77/28/cb/7728cb8cf148c8e022e73ed4662ff1a6.jpg

  5. I love that theory, but I think she recorded it in 2013 and Kim got married in 2014


    I legit did some research after reading your post, LOL! She recorded the song in Dec 2013, about 5 months before she performed in Versailles, but Kanye had a band play "Young and Beautiful" when he proposed in October 2013, so he might've invited Lana shortly thereafter...if she knew she was going to Versailles while writing "Your Girl" she might've thrown in that line last-minute. I just want it to be true, LOL.  :teehee:

  6. The line about laying in Versailles made me think of her performing at real, actual Versailles for Kimye's wedding. Maybe she got the idea for the song (initially) after that performance...it would make sense, at a wedding, to be reflecting on how your relationship isn't "official" like that. Just a thought. 

  7. “My book, Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass, is taking a lot longer to hand bind than I thought, and I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to put up a spoken word album, if you can call it that, on the 4th of Jan. And in thinking about doing that, I had had a thought for a while about how I knew I wanted the album to be around a dollar, because I just love the idea that thoughts are meant to be shared, and that they were priceless in some way.

    There was a second part that I had been thinking of before releasing it which is that I wanted half of what the spoken word album is going for to benefit Native American organizations around the country, whether it was for preserving their rights or trying to help keep their land intact. I had wanted to do it because in doing my own work on connecting to my own family lineage, I was encouraged to also try and connect to the country’s lineage.

    This was a while ago, and it kind of informed the next album that I’ve been working on, and I just really wanted to pay homage to the country that I love so much by doing my own reparation, my own reparative act. I know it’s a bit of an unusual choice, and I have no reasoning for it other than it just feels right to me, and so for as long as my spoken word album is distributed, half of it will be going to Native American organizations around America. I’m very excited about that, and I’m in the middle of speaking to people from the organizations that will change every year. I love the spoken word record, it’s not particularly polished, it’s a bit more gritty, and I hope you’ll enjoy it." 


    I think that's a beautiful thing to do, wow. I wonder if "doing my own reparation" to Native Americans refers to the Ride video (appropriating the Native headdress)? Or maybe not. That's the only thing I can recall her doing that might deserve an apology. Regardless, this is the Lana I love.  :legend:  (Also digging the shorter haircut!)

  8. All great ideas; now I want to do a Lana trip!  :flutter:


    I would especially love to go to Black Rabbit Rose speakeasy: https://www.blackrabbitrose.com/ I assume it's "Black Rabbit in the alley" plus it just looks so old Hollywood glamour to me.  


    I think it would also be cool to do some vintage shopping if you want the 50s-babydoll-dresses-and-beehive aesthetic: https://www.whowhatwear.com/best-vintage-stores-in-la

    Definitely stop somewhere and get high by the beach.  ;)  :smokes2:

  9. New classics:


    "I got a kid named Ivory Cricket in the yard..." 

    "I moved to Oklahoma but it's just a state of mind..."


    Lana wanting to write in the middle of a crime scene is the most "old Lana" thing I've heard in ages; gives me hope that edgy/weird/dark Lana is still in there somewhere.  :hooker:


    She does sound serious about Crooked Cop, but if they break up, there could be a great album to be written about how she tried doing the whole Norman Rockwell life with a step-kid and beer fests and such...and then it all went wrong and she's in psycho-Lana mode again.  :creepna:  Norman Rockwell Bates  :creep:  

  10. I want to make this same thread but with American. Anyone know any songs that sound like american? 


    Personally, I would swap out American for Black Beauty in the Untouchable 5, because it and Hollywood, Starry Eyed, Angels Forever and JFK form a quintet of mid-tempo songs with a similar vibe of "it's summer in the States and I'm pretty happy because I'm in love and/or on drugs"   :P :wave:



    (That said, I associate JFK with National Anthem and Angels Forever with Drive (because of their videos), so that's kind of a weird combo in my head like "She's Jackie O.! Now she's in a biker gang! It somehow works because Lana!" )

  11. It depends what it is that you like about Velvet Crowbar, but to me it sounds "classic rock", and the most "classic rock" Lana songs to me are:



    Cruel World

    Guns n' Roses



    ...and UV overall is the album with the most guitar-driven tracks like Velvet.  :)  

  12. I thought it was cute! I want to get the audio to add to my li'l "Lana Christmas and Chill" playlist with Santa Baby, Smarty, Be My Daddy (open like a Christmas present...), and the trailer-park songs mentioning Christmas lights and silver tinsel (Trash, etc)  :teehee:




    My biggest question: is that sparkly ring on Lana's ring finger just a fashion ring or something else?  :creep:

  13. "Writing on my walls in blood and shit,

    Woah, my god,

    jumping off from the wharves into the docks and ships."


    It made total sense in my mind...like, it's really hot out, so jump into the water or go boating? 


    Instead of ‘White lines, pretty daddy, go skiing’ in Florida Kilos I thought it was ‘White lines, pretty daddy, gold skin’


    Wait, me too?! But I like "gold skin" better.


    My favorite, though, is that I thought on "Hollywood", instead of "I dance like Joplin" (as in Janis), she was saying "I dance like Chaplin" (as in Charlie), and was picturing this: https://youtu.be/0daS_SDCT_U?t=20

    Which, uhhhhh, would be quite a sight.  :lmao:  :brows:

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