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Posts posted by Masochism


    the POOR level of taste in this thread


    then again it is lanaboards, so what you expect from some edgy try hard quirky we love vintage music kids.


    can you stop being so idiot? why can’t you accept that people have all different tastes? i don’t like superstar but it has nothing to do with it being mainstream or basic so stop acting like you’re better cause you like a bad song and we don’t. mind your business, enjoy the song, praise it, but leave the others alone if they don’t. dumbass.

  2. she’s gonna disappear from the internet till the last day of march when she’s gonna have a meltdown about how her issues aren’t helping her and that her label hates her

  3. ok but like yeah everybody wants it but we’ll never get it so i guess we should stop asking



    why would i stop asking if people actually have party party? LEAK HA

  4. I somehow only heard this amazing Unlock It remix yesterday

    apparently Kim played it at her live show. it's so good, I hope it tides some of u over until PTB (hopefully) leaks


    i already knew this but i'm glad you reminded me its existence   :hair:  :hair:  :hair:

  5. i hope the next project isn't pc music. i mean, we got plenty of stuff with that vibe she needs to move on and explore and bring us something fresh and approachable from the public too, i know she's capable of doing that so i'm not worried at all. end me charlotte.

  6. She talked about late February early March fucking up her life so I guess she's already laying down the foundations for her next #excuse

    this lmao

    i’m ready for the next poem about being ill/having label issues

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