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Posts posted by Masochism

  1. she said so on twitter


    shes said it like twice

    ohh didn't know about it. i just saw people talking about it on here and atrl and never saw the tweets that's why i was wondering. well, i'm excited.

  2. Just Like Lucy Liu and Ms Slayyyter’s oh me oh my are the only two songs I wish to listen to rn

    charli should tell umru to fucking release party party / just like lucy liu tbh

    i bet he's dying to release one of her songs 

  3. Why are people shocked COAP isn't on the album, it's a wholesome cozy winter song, and this album seems dark and trap influenced if the 3 singles are representative of the direction, it would have no place on an album with that cover

    also come out and play was literally just for the apple commercial

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