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Posts posted by daphnedinkley

  1. California is a great song but i wished it had more of a climax and added bigger production for the chorus, they could've added some really crazy guitars or something to match the vocals. It comes off almost demo like


    I think this is exactly my problem with the track and why I can't love it like everyone else does - the messy raw vocal could work, but the song needs more of a grunge vibe to really pull it off and make the song special, and like you said with the crazy guitars that could've given an UV-esque vibe.

  2. Boy oh boy do I have a response to this topic  :hooker: Since this will probably be quite long I'll try to format it appropriately and not just have it as a huge wall of text!


    Oh Say Can You See

    I know the AKA album gets a lot of love in general, but I've seen a lot of people dismiss this track as useless and filler - I won't have it! Good lord, this song is divine. It's folk meets early Lana meets a Halloween edition of the Animal Crossing soundtrack. I know that's a weird and strangely specific mixture of references, but that's the only way I can describe it. It's so peaceful but so deeply melancholic and longing; The nighttime is almost ours. I can't even articulate what this song makes me feel. It's too magical to listen to on a regular basis, but it holds such a special place in my heart and I wish more people connected with this song the way I do. It's a beautiful, sad, quiet night translated into a 4-minute track.


    Come When You Call Me America

    Kind of like Oh Say Can You See, this song has a unique feel to it. It's one of Lana's weirder tracks - it's light and airy but jazzy and trip-hop-esque. It reminds me of a grown-up version of something from the Nights: Journey of Dreams soundtrack (yes, as you can tell, I'm big on video game soundtracks hahaha). It sounds the way silk feels. Maybe this song doesn't exactly count as underrated because it does have somewhat of a niche appeal, but I'm bringing it up because it's very beautiful, a little surreal and definitely one of my favourites that I never ever see mentioned!


    Hope Is A Dangerous Thing

    I'm forever seeing this at the bottom of people's NFR rankings and I guess I understand why - it's sparse, a pure piano ballad, pretty long and definitely quite a downer. Still, I feel that a lot of fans under-appreciate the lyrical power of this song; it's some of Lana's best writing to date. Lana has a lot of great lyrics but Hope is her at her most complex and most raw; there's something really special about a song that's so verbose yet still so raw and open and vulnerable. I probably sound super pretentious so pls feel free to call me a dickhead if it's appropriate  :creep: but lines like "Spilling my guts with the Bowery bums is the only love I've ever known" and "Shaking my ass is the only thing that's got this black narcissist off my back" really capture the loneliness and confusion of alcohol addiction for me (I've been an alcoholic for 4 years); "Hello, it's the most famous woman you know on the iPad / Calling from beyond the grave I just want to say hi, Dad" gets a lot of clownery online, but for me it's a heartbreaking lyric that shows the duality of fame and misery, as well as how hard it is to keep in touch with family and friends when going through a depression because it's easy to feel like a dead man walking; "A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off" is a lyric so beautiful and touching yet so perfectly obscure that I don't even want to go into the million different meanings I've assigned to it! There's a lot of ways to convey meaning in a song - sometimes just a dope ass instrumental can do the talking - but this song is an example of how beautiful, well thought out, poetic lyrics can really speak to an audience. And also, did she lie? Hope really is a dangerous thing!


    Sad Girl

    There are soooo many things that make this song great. Among them is Lana's "sad but won't not fuck you the fuck up" attitude, but my favourite thing is that the instruments in this song are used remarkably well. While I love NFR (honestly I really really really do), this song demonstrates exactly why it hasn't knocked Ultraviolence off the top spot for me; there's some sonic depth and a constant sense of progression going on that's lacking in quite a lot of NFR cuts. It's jazzy, bluesy and it has so much to look forward to - I'm always excited to hear that Spanish-influenced guitar kick in during the second verse, then of course there's the glorious bridge. I know Lana fans love a sing-song moment, so why do I not hear more fans talking about how much they enjoy belting out "Watch what you say to meeeeee, careful who you're talking tooo!"? It's lost on me. This song deserves way more love than it gets and I know for sure it would sound incredible live, so I'm v v v v sad she hasn't performed it before.  :crossed:



    Another AKA song that doesn't get a lot of love - this one is always getting knocked out first or second in AKA Survivor games. Still, it's one of my favourites and I think it's really underrated because of the unique vibe it possesses: it's cheeky, bratty, fun, a little girly and definitely twisted. I know Lana's described this song as having an innocent meaning in prior interviews, but honestly? I'm not buying it! This song is undoubtedly naughty in a way that's SO wrong only Lizzy-era Lana could get away with it. Lana is (or rather was) so good at the whole ~feigning innocence roleplay~ thing. Maybe I love this song so much because I was a messed up kid - without being too TMI, this song reminds me of being a young teen and the early sexual experiences I had and how I knew it was bad but it also so wrong it's right, when I would sneak out of my own Grandma's house to do bad and stupid things, and all the feelings of excitement and wonder I had along with the feelings of fear, confusion, guilt, abuse and sadness. This song couples a playful cheery beat with ever-so-slightly sexually suggestive lyrics ("All I wanna do is play") and then some moments of darkness ("I don't wanna think I'm bad, Gramma") to create this strange, sinister atmosphere that's so representative of being essentially still a little girl taking on the big, exciting, scary, wonderful, terrible adult world - especially where men are involved. It also touches on that feeling of attention addiction: "I'm in love with everyone and I don't wanna think I'm wrong just for feelin' pretty" and "I wanna be the whole world's girl Gramma". There's a fine line between suggestive and outright controversial, and Lana, I believe, is just about on the 'suggestive' side - if anything my reading of this song could well be controversial! Still, there's some unbelievable skill in managing to write about such a topic in a way that's a little dark but still tongue-in-cheek without it coming across as mocking or exploitative. I really love this song and I honestly feel it stands out in her discography.


    In Wendy, More Mountains, There Is Nothing To Be Sorry About

    As a fanbase we tend to neglect a lot of Lana's more singer-songwriter-y type stuff, but these songs right here...... goddamn. She has a TONNE of folksy gems, but these are some of my favourites and I never EVER hear them mentioned. More Mountains is bleak and existential; In Wendy is sweet and a little blue; There Is Nothing To Be Sorry About is legitimately devastating and I genuinely can't listen to it without crying. "Remember me the way I was six months ago"... nahhhh man I just  :poordat:  A lot of Lana fans actually haven't heard these songs; this is your sign to GO AND LISTEN TO THEM! I think the only reason these songs are so underrated is because so many people completely forget about them, but wow, they take my breath away.


    Ok sorry for the huge post LOL I have a lot of feelings ok

  3. "you're in the art, i light the fire" - i thought this was the lyric at first and now i can't move past it bc to me it's like her man (who writes, i.e. "you write, i tour") views her as his muse; he's in the arts, but she lights his fire of inspiration


    "watcha been up to my baby, haven't seen much of you lately" in HTD - for some reason my brain just naturally forms the lyrics that way hahaha i feel like it goes better


    • That very first bass drop in the second chorus of Video Games... so unexpected but so impactful  :legend:


    • The guitar in the second pre-chorus of Happiness is a Butterfly is unbelievable, add so much to a song??


    The gospel-style backing vocals (the "ooooh"s) in the Ultraviolence bridge


    The sax/trumpet (I can't tell the difference hahaha) that comes in the bridge of Art Deco, uuuugh that takes that song from a 6 to a 10 for me


    For some reason I always get chills at "Kanye West is blind and gone/Life on Mars ain't just a song" in The Greatest


    I always look forward to "You talk to the walls when the party gets bored of you" in Norman Fucking Rockwell, probably because I dated a guy exactly like that lmao


    When that first chorus hits in Black Beauty it's so so special


    At around 5:48 in Venice Bitch when the sort of fast electric guitar (I'm not sure how else to describe it) comes in for a moment and builds up anticipation for that glorious moment at 6:04 when Lana's vocals come back and she's singing "aaaah, aaaaahhhh!" in a wild, almost shouty way  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  I love it SO MUCH it's so uncharacteristic of her to be so raw and almost out-of-tune but it sounds incredible, sad, angry and passionate all at once.  :worship:  :legend:  I'm obsessed with that part of the song.


    "It's not one of those phases I'm going through, or just a song, it's not one of them, I'm on my own, on my own, on my own again" in The Blackest Day... so raw and honest


    I honestly believe one of the most sincerely cool moments in Lana's entire discography is the part of Brooklyn Baby where she sings "If you don't get it then forget it, 'cuz I don't have to fuuuuuckin' explaaaaaaain iiiiiit" - tell them sis!!! She captures the spirit of not giving a fuck so well!!


  5. I think I relate to Hope more and more every time I listen to it. I loved it when it first came out, but I overdid it (like all Lana songs when they come out) and I haven’t listened much since the spring. I decided to give it a listen yesterday and it’s been on repeat for me since. I’m not sure how much personal stories are allowed here, so I’ll keep it brief but this song means so much to me. I’m a closeted lesbian and my family is v homophobic. They pushed me to marry a man, even tho I am not out to them or really anyone, I feel like they know and so now I’m married to man which isn’t what I want, but I do have hope that one day things will be better. Obviously not what Lana was referring to, but I feel on some level I understand what she means about having hope even tho it’s a dangerous thing.



    though for different reasons i relate to the song so much too!! sending you lots of love, i'm so deeply sorry for the situation you're in right now. every time i see your profile on here i'll send a little love into the atmosphere for you and hope it reaches you :) <3

  6. Ultraviolence is raw sounding, but it didn't sound unpolished? A lot of tracks on NFR have either this demo-like quality or just sound like they were recored with a cheap microphone (The title track, Cinnamon, HTD, California, The greatest) I mean I love most of these songs, but the production is extremely lackluster to me.



    I feel this!! Some songs border on painful to listen to on higher volumes, as if in the track itself all instruments / layers are being played at exactly the same volume so the entire track comes out very loud and almost scratchy sounding. Idk if that makes sense.


    still love the album tho  :flutter:

  7. Because that's the idea behind that verse. He pretends he's here for her, but he really isn't.


    She meets him and tells him about her problems, she appreciates the way he takes her serious and listens to what she has to say. But he's not REALLY going to be there if she needs him, he just comforts her and acts as if he would help her through her struggle. They probably once were that close but by now, their friendship has started to fade. And that's how he disappears from her life - step by step.


    holy.... shit..... you're actually right wtf like zero sarcasm this has actually changed everything in my brain towards this song?? you know when people say "thanks I hate it" wellll THANKS I LOVE IT wtf omg

  8. Idk what it’d change it to but I kinda hate that the first song on the fucking album opens with the line “goddamn manchild, you fucked me so good that I almost said I love you.” As a whole NFR (the song) is fine enough but that line has made me cringe since she first teased it on insta. I’d also change TNBAR’s lyrics to the original lyrics from the older version



    well it is Norman FUCKING Rockwell after all  :hooker:  but agreed on TNBAR ugh i find the new lyrics so awkward

  9. does anybody else have a few odd lyrics they wish they could alter on NFR??? i mean i know lana is the artist and i'm merely the listener  :hooker:  but there's a few little things i really wish i could alter


    like in HTD: "you just crack another beer and pretend that you're still here" - the song is all about escapism and disappearing, so wouldn't it make more sense for the lyrics to be "you just crack another beer and pretend that you're not here"?


    and in FIILY, i know it's super picky but: "i used to shoot up my veins in the arm, and shit's even brighter you're gone" i'd prefer if it was worded as "i used to shoot up my veins in the arm, it's brighter now that you're gone" idk it's not important lmao


    oh and Bartender: "but sometimes girls just want to have fun"; in the verse prior she's already talking about girls having fun, there's nothing to dispute, so why the "but"??? surely it would make more sense as "cause sometimes girls just want to have fun" idk i'm being mad extra hahaha 

  10. 1 Video Games

    2 Bel Air

    3 West Coast

    4 Brooklyn Baby

    5 The Greatest

    6 Venice Bitch

    7 Sad Girl

    8 Happiness is a Butterfly

    9 Burning Desire

    10 Mariners Apartment Complex

    11 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

    12 Doin' Time

    13 Cinnamon Girl

    14 Salvatore

    15 Summer Bummer

    16 13 Beaches

    17 Ultraviolence

    18 Florida Kilos

    19 Art Deco

    20 The Blackest Day

    21 Cherry

    22 Terrence Loves You

    23 Ride

    24 When the World was at War We Kept Dancing

    25 Young & Beautiful

    26 Shades of Cool

    27 Bartender

    28 Cola

    29 Dark Paradise

    30 Born to Die

    31 Off to the Races

    32 Fuck It I Love You

    33 American

    34 Body Electric

    35 Black Beauty

    36 24

    37 White Mustang

    38 Beautiful People Beautiful Problems

    39 Heroin

    40 Norman Fucking Rockwell

    41 How to Disappear

    42 Lolita

    43 Gods & Monsters

    44 Fucked My Way Up To The Top

    45 Pretty When You Cry

    46 Old Money

    47 Diet Mountain Dew

    48 In My Feelings

    49 The Next Best American Record

    50 Without You

    51 Love Song

    52 National Anthem

    53 Yayo (Paradise)

    54 Blue Jeans

    55 Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

    56 Get Free

    57 Music To Watch Boys To

    58 Cruel World

    59 California

    60 Swan Song

    61 God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It

    62 Is This Happiness

    63 Freak

    64 God Knows I Tried

    65 Blue Velvet

    66 Radio

    67 This Is What Makes Us Girls

    68 Summertime Sadness

    69 Looking for America

    70 Money Power Glory

    71 Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind

    72 Once Upon a Dream

    73 Honeymoon

    74 Groupie Love

    75 Carmen

    76 Tomorrow Never Came

    77 Million Dollar Man

    78 Season of the Witch

    79 Chelsea Hotel No. 2

    80 Flipside

    81 Love

    82 Lust For Life

    83 The Other Woman

    84 Religion

    85 Lucky Ones

    86 Change

    87 High By The Beach

    88 Wait For Life

    89 Some Things Last a Long Time

    90 You Must Love Me

    91 Big Eyes

    92 I Can Fly

    93 Guns and Roses


    Most accurate part is Guns and Roses being dead last  :toofunny:  but yea this seems super accurate actually!

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