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Posts posted by daphnedinkley

  1. Would you mind if I moved this post & everyone's replies into a new thread? I think this is such a fun idea and deserves it's own thread :creep:


    Anyway, mine were:


    Guns & Roses

    Making Out


    High by the Beach


    Well this is... interesting to say the least :toofunny: I think any newbie who heard this mix would be pretty confused and terrified of Lana after this (esp after Scarface)

    do it queen! :creep: i half wanted to do it myself but i wasn’t sure what to title it!


    as for your shuffle..... i don’t think that’s convincing anyone sjdkdjd

  2. about 7 months ago, i was in the club w a bunch of my friends then i bumped into a girl in the bathroom and we shared some cocaine together.... that stuff must have been DODGY AF because i went outside for a cigarette and immediately threw up in front of everybody out the front of the club, including the bouncer who then wouldn't let me back in  :toofunny:


    when was the last time you wore an outfit that made you feel like THAT bitch?!

  3. There's something about seeing him die

    That puts it all into perspective and I

    Wanna stay home, be left alone

    Someone make my mind up so I don't have to decide




    It's a love story for the new age

    For the six page

    Want a quick sick rampage? 

  4. makes me feel kinda.... horny?  :creep:  hahah like it makes me wanna seduce someone into joining me in living a life of debauchery and hedonism (and good sex). and it's a very hot (temperature-wise) song, like i can feel the heat on my skin when i listen to it. it makes me crave freedom and a joyful relationship.


    gods and monsters?

  5. OOOooooh, That is just so cruel   :teehee:

    Everytime I put on my music-shuffle, it NEVER picks out my favorite song, or any cool playlist.

    Those A.I. (artificial intelligence) computers still have along way to feel human emotions and what human beings really feel.


    To "convert" someone to Lana Del Rey music, I suggest you to first select 10 of your favorite songs (or her top 10 best songs) and

    tell the listener to close their eyes.

    NO distractions.

    Just close their eyes and FELL the music and feel the words. Let the music take you on a journey.

    That is how I would convert someone to liking a certain song or a singer, or any band.

    Music is invisible, nothing you can touch, but it is a grand emotion you MUST feel inside yourself.... Let it take you on a journey of emotions

    and thoughts.


    If the music , or a particular song, doesn´t do it for you, then you were not meant to like this type of music. Everyone has their own journey in life.

    this is cute! i agree! which songs would you pick?

    Gods & Monsters




    You Must Love Me


    Hmmmmm, I’m unsure if I’d be successful or not, this is such a mixed bag of a list

    hmmm some certified bops in there but nothing too attention-grabbing for a non-fan, though salvatore is quite close to the classic lana sound!

  6. ^ so sad and sweet! :(


    last time i vented to someone... probably a while ago. i keep trying to vent to people honestly, but they kind of shut me down. that's okay though! my problems are my own!


    last time you watched a great film?

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