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Everything posted by LDRO

  1. We'll stick by her whatever she does, she knows that
  2. Shye'll do more film scores next year, for sure
  3. The re-release will sure get it to 3 million
  4. Yup, this week coming is her video shoot for the first single off the re-release!
  5. I chose Off To Races. But recently my most played has been This Is What Makes Us Girls. It's the ending leaves me in chills!
  6. Lana Del Rey arrived at the LAX Airport on Friday , however we do not know whereabouts she is going to. We’ll shortly know. However I found some candids on tumblr, as well as JustJared.com posted some candids as well. She wore a Stevie Ray Vaughan concert tee from the singer’s Double Trouble tour. You can view them below! 08-31 – Arriving At LAX Airport, LA
  7. Queen of Vogue being her 4th Vogue Cover (UK, Japan, Italia, Australia) #
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