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Pico Ocean Boulevard

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Everything posted by Pico Ocean Boulevard

  1. Well we got Hallucinogenics & LMLYLAW so basically he wasn't lying but I get your point. Edit: Nvmd didn't saw the post above // And yeah there is an album coming , water is wet ..nothing new Ben
  2. We waited for you On the date you said you'd release In 2021, on the fourth of July In the middle of pouring delulu juice Cause we believed you We just wanted things to be released You said you'll release it on July 4th But July 4th never came LDR 8 never came
  3. Pink Geraniums - The Revenge of Lana Del Rey a.k.a Elizabeth Coming on July 44th
  4. Guns n Roses vs Children Of The Bad Revolution
  5. LMAO Chuck's Baby and Birthday Cake - Pre - Release Thread hope god or the universe listens to you
  6. I'm wondering if Lana wants to wait till Chuck has given birth to give us album news . Maybe that's the last hbd post she wants to post. If that's the case Chuck better drops the baby
  7. Where's the update?? Can't find it Let ppl complain at least for today for gods sake & then we can move on with usual shit & be more optimistic
  8. So guys there was a lot of complaining / disappointment today but hell yeah let ppl complain today to get things out of their system. Yeah maybe she owns us nothing & we could expect July 4th to be fake but it's still so sad that we can't trust her unless it's a label announcement & that she doesn't give a fuck about updating us , like she could at least post " Sorry guys, still working on it..it comes later this year xxx ". This shouldnt be the normality. And I think @gsnlpmade good points today so don't come for him. It's frustrating for all of us that this is like the 3rd or 4th era with the same shit over and over again. If she wants a lowkey release it's totally fine but a little update or stopping to say random fake dates doesn't hurt anyone. It's the least she can do & what most of us asking for.
  9. At this point I fear we never get a well planned non chaotic album roll out again. So far it gets worse with every era
  10. We truly lost bestie, didn't we But on the bright side there is one more song on the album now , so maybe we get a longer album again
  11. I wish she'd update us more. She even said in her November livestream that she knows she doesn't update us a lot but bitch then do it & give us updates
  12. I hope none if the tree singles or Thunder is the closing track. I love when the closing track is a surprise & with the last two albums we already knew the closing track cause it was either released as a single or performed live.
  13. Sad Girl vs Money Power Glory
  14. Revenge Bitch The title track will be like Venice Bitch but make it angrier , more drums & even more e - guitar, Lana is screaming it That would be a serve
  15. 7- 3 + 8 : 4 × 2021 - 2021 × 4 × 7 + 5 + 3 - 4 + 11 + 14 + 16 + 14 + 17 + 9 + 15 + 12 : 8 = 4, 5 ~ 5 × 4 < 20 > ☆ 20 ☆ - 3 - 4 + 7 = 20 WE ARE GETTING 20 SONGS ON THE NEW ALBUM
  16. I feel like this album be will really personal based on the three singles & maybe Lanita doesn’t feel it would be right to promote this album & maybe that's why it will be kind of a surprise release or a very lowkey release
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