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Pico Ocean Boulevard

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Everything posted by Pico Ocean Boulevard

  1. This morning the sky looks like the sky on the alt cover and it fits the mood of the title track so much...it's a sign, something will happen today
  2. Lana saying that it feels like a "fight " to her when she is listening to album gives me kinda UV vibes, which means that this album will be a masterpiece. Also her saying that her voice in the chorus of White Dress sounds not great makes me think that her voice will sound very raw, emotional & unique in the chorus We are winning guys
  3. Hmm that's a though one.... Sad Girl vs Carmen
  4. Chuck shot something back in 2016/2017 in the Yosemite National Park and she tagged Lana So maybe we really getting a Yosemite video https://www.instagram.com/p/BTNUOZiB1mA/?igshid=1pvjt4oxyqsxr https://www.instagram.com/p/BR9lKEOhEzw/?igshid=wppgzvi38iv7
  5. I like the lyrics of The Greatest but I don't like the sound & melody of the song, the guitar solo is so underwhelming & lacks bass. This song is kinda overrated I'm also not the biggest fan of Norman Fucking Rockwell title track & Happiness is a butterfly as a whole (it sounds like 3 choruses merged together)
  6. The Blackest Day vs Terrence Loves You
  7. Heroin vs The Blackest Day
  8. Bartender vs Looking for America
  9. Beautiful People & Beautiful Problems came on shuffle this morning and I actually liked it like it isn't that bad. I actually like the Lust for Life album ...Idk sometimes I need the less dark & upbeat sound
  10. Art Deco vs Chemtrails Over The Country Club
  11. Actually today. I never talked about my feelings but that wasn't healthy at all and I wanted to talk more about my feelings and I did it. I feel kinda relieved but also a little bit worried lol When was the last time you listened to Honeymoon ( album ) ?
  12. Banned for wanting White Dress to be leaked
  13. Banned for having no reasons anymore to ban the person above you
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