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Pico Ocean Boulevard

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Everything posted by Pico Ocean Boulevard

  1. Happy 8th Birthday to one of the best albums ever created I remember discovering Lana back in the Spring of 2015 & I was obsessed with Old Money, Money Power Glory & Sad Girl From Cruel World to Flipside this album is stunning & has no skips (at least for me ) . The guitar work is stellar & the amount or career highlights she gave us. The world truly was not ready for Cruel World being the opener collapse it is, the title track, Shades Of Cool ( especially the bridge), Brooklyn Baby & West Coast are literally the epitome of Lana & some of the best songs ever made. I could go on & on but I stop before the posts gets to long lol. Stunning, amazing, groundbreaking, breathtaking , Happy Birthday Ultraviolence
  2. Video Games vs Young & Beautiful
  3. When you ask Jared about Rick Nowels: If everybody likes him maybe he is not that good
  4. Black Bathing Suit vs Dealer
  5. Not when Born To Die, Paradise, ULTRAVIOLENCE, HONEYMOON , LFL exists.
  6. Some people apparently can deny it or someone & I think it must be some sort of a disease ,mental illness or trolling
  7. Not if they doing a surprise drop /// Lana wanted to surprise COCC at first too when it was still called White Hot Forever. So she wants to surprise drop an album for some time now & maybe they let her do it this times , not trying to get my hopes up too much though
  8. Lana is also doing really good at streaming right now so maybe her Management would agree with a Digital release. Also I still think it's kinda weird that they dropped BB Digital & Physicals like one or two weeks apart, they could have waited to drop both together since there was not a long period of time between them. My inner Delulu thinks that they maybe were carefully testing out how things will play out with the dumb new billboard rule & a digital drop
  9. When she was in Italy at that Gucci event didn't her old stylists do her hair & make up? If so she is back to her old stylists and now Rick could be back, so she is going back to one of her older producers....I slowly see a pattern I know Rick was still on her last albums (thank god) but they haven't worked together actively since like 2017/2018 ( or whenever Bartender was made, so I consider him an older producer, not in the sense of old bc of his age lol)
  10. I fear people won't think about " Do you ever feel like a plastic bag" when they see a plastic bag anymore. They will think about "When I look back, tracing fingertips over plastic bags I think I wish I could extrapolate some small intention Or maybe get your attention for a minute or two". The impact Katy Perry is shaking as we speak
  11. Exactly this!!!! It would be kinda sad to get an album without Rick Also I remember those screenshots too, maybe it's time again that someone slides in his DM's again
  12. Manifesting Lana posting a photo or video of Rick Nowels in the studio today producing producing producing Rick Nowels 🎶
  13. Plsss I want it so much & my dumbass forgot to order the white vinyl last year. It's 140€ with shipping,without shipping it's like 76 € but 140€ are too expensive for me right now.. I wanna cry
  14. I know there is like a tradition on the last albums that she puts one unreleased Rick song (or a song where he his credited on) on an album but I really hope this time it means that she works with him again & we get a couple of new songs produced by Rick or that he at least made some additional production for some tracks this is probably some delusional thinking but let me dream
  15. Hmm I wouldn't mind a single in July ( single announcement this month ), maybe another Interview in August, then another single in September & then pre order & an album Trailer in October. The album being out in November with a third single dropping before the album comes out. I want a summer album though but it means we either have to get it this Summer ( but idk how realistic that would be ) or Summer 2023 but I think that's too far away ( and I'm too impatient for that), so releasing the most summery / boppish song from the album this Summer would be nice if there even is one lol Idk I also want her to take her time to make good music videos for at least three songs this time & some album Trailer again. Another album trailer alà LFL would be a dream come true Or like some of you said she is dropping it digitally this time & we can get it this Summer/ early fall Edit: Nvmd November seems so far away but I lowkey tried to stay a bit realistic
  16. When LDR9 turns out to be the spacey witchy album that LFL was supposed to be Didn't someone on here dreamed about HM & LFL love child songs, the 13th Beach song Elle dreamed about, Drew adding orchestra, Jack playing with 808's..it's all coming together now
  17. I would guess BB got finished last July around the time she posted the waiting in her insta story . So basically she could work on LDR9 since then, in October she said she has a few songs she loves & in December she apparently said the new album is gonna be better then BB. In March Rob was in the studio & Drew was charting in the studio in April ( at least that's when she posted it ). Maybe the album got a proper direction at that time & is coming together quickly now , she was also with Jack in the studio in April. I don't think we know when she got interviewed exactly by the W magazine but it seemed like she has some solid concept of the album at that time , I hope you know what I mean. Actually all I wanted to say is that June - July could be realistic for a single, thanks for coming to my delulu talk
  18. I hope incoming is not the new soon. Soon in combination with sth Lana related always turned out to be trumatic June - July would be perfect though
  19. Wait wait hold up .... You just figured out what DNC really means omg..no clownery in this era
  20. Also I'm shook that we know officially no song title & no album title yet. She could have said in the Interview on the first song *title of the song * I pressed play and sang (..) but she didn't Idk I really love how this era is going so far, we got teased a bit , got an Interview collapse & new music incoming in the caption by Ben . It's really refreshing not to have fake titles & fake dates so far & still being left in the unknown mostly. I really hope this era/album roll out will be smooth again but hope is a dangerous thing
  21. If Lana feels uninspired she should read this thread & write down some of these concepts , especially Elle's "The 13th Beach " concept & the song title " Liz I'm Calling From California "
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