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x VB

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Everything posted by x VB

  1. https://www.facebook.com/117713628271096/posts/5255530804489327/?d=n SYLVIA
  2. Transparent?? https://www.instagram.com/p/CMmZZ93lBEc/?igshid=jv4gkv35y32q
  3. The transparent vinyl looks like a gray-clear vinyl, still cool https://www.instagram.com/p/CMmVcONHhbn/?igshid=1n1xtedyshgad
  4. PD #3 is gonna be released later today on Lana’s stores https://twitter.com/popreleasede/status/1372874116857008133?s=21
  5. Cassettes and signed card (that’s not Lana’s sign lol) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMmF63FFbD3/?igshid=hlczgcxfzli5
  6. Assai version https://twitter.com/assai_uk/status/1372545326314311682?s=21
  7. https://twitter.com/desrulitzacio/status/1372517634453999619?s=21
  8. Red vinyl https://www.instagram.com/p/CMjdLW7LzIN/?igshid=rjqh3iohakny
  9. Guys which colored vinyl is the best one? I already have the standard (black) vinyl, but I wan’t to buy a colored one and I can’t decide between the green and the cream one. They look so beautiful
  10. There were 3 picture discs in the list. PD #1, PD #2 and PD #3 (Spotify Exclusive) with a "(TBC)' next to it. Maybe the infamous '3rd picture disc' is the Spotify exclusive and the 2nd one was the one that got scrapped
  11. Don't think so, some stores already have them
  12. I need a proper poster, I won't waste the booklet
  13. The b&w cover looks great on vinyl https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhdElsnQCK/?igshid=1n8284x8ikmq3
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