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Everything posted by kraljicabenzinske

  1. you won't catch me crying like that, i will be proud of my departure to prison since i did it for lanaboards
  2. it's possibly on the album since it was discovered via the same link where the semi-confirmed "grandpa fishing" was found: https://musicbrainz.org/release-group/247ec1bd-06a6-4faa-af47-f64d7caa1f71/edits
  3. I'll gladly fry on electric chair for being the person who discovered the track list yall can send my lipster of the 2020 decade award via ouija board
  4. Pls you have nothing to worry about, you’re not impersonating, my e-mail talks about Lana in 3rd person so it’s clear a fan is sending it
  5. @VioletBunny, @For K & me hosting the album streaming party in prison March 10th!! Come visit us !!
  6. rip to an eulogy for who she once was but she was too god for this world anyway she's gonna have her yosemite moment in a few years on LDR13
  7. Someone e-mail aha-music with the lies like “ummm excuse me there is a mistake lana’s songs are not showing up can you please send the links”
  8. Each aha-music link has a random sequence of 30+ letters and numbers so sadly there is no chance in hell for us to guess that
  9. yeah but his former username was “Burn Me Where You Belong” so the Kintsugi title vs the BMWYB title conflict has not been cleared up yet lol
  10. As much as I’d live for iconistry, I can’t with the damage control we have to do when people believe our openly fake titles
  11. there is also “god put safety” etc with capital and non-capital letters like this so this doesn’t confirm jt
  12. it seems like it was some kind of editing mistake. Maybe whoever was putting the songs into the database was naming all of the track “track x” to hide the titlws but hey had to have the actually titles writtwn first not to mess up the order if u get what i mean. So maybe they hit publish too early before renaming all the titles to “track” idk ALSO her mentioning fishtails in an interview cannot be a coincidence. Both titles are real like we just confirmed it like 99.8% sure
  13. here's the link where i found the grandfather fishing title: https://musicbrainz.org/release-group/247ec1bd-06a6-4faa-af47-f64d7caa1f71/edits there is also another title - "Fishtails" and my January 5th post which i blanked cus people made fun of me for "falling for it" i cant believe its literally almost true now LIKE WHO'S LAUGHING NOW
  14. nooo its not i made up that yesterday lol guys don't take it seriously I CAN'T not me doing damage control
  15. the second one was made up my be randomly and it's not it, he said "the title got posted AGAIN" meaning it's something old and the last one is legendary title we wish to be true but its confirmed fake (i think it was made up by you @the ocean?)
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