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Posts posted by WaitForLife

  1. I don't know if it's been discussed / mentioned already, or how relevant it is, but does anyone else feel... uncertain about the references to the H of the Hollywood sign in the title track and the trailer? Didn't someone commit suicide by jumping off it? I know it's probably a coincidence or at least not the meaning, but also having the first line to a song called 'lust for life' be a possible reference to suicide is kind of interesting. Some of the songs, like cherry, have a very tongue-in-cheek feeling to them. Following lfl with 13 beaches makes more sense if it's a purposeful reference, with lines like 'we dance on the H of the hollywood sign.... gotta dance til we die' and even the infamous 'take of all your clothes' taking on a much more cynical meaning

    In Heroin she is talking about a dead lover and the wish (?) to stay alive even when she wants to die. LFL is sometimes really dark.

  2. So I pre ordered from the ITunes  yesterday. :)  I got the tracks that have been released downloaded and the rest will come on release day.


    Mariners apartment complex

    Venice bitch

    Doin' time

    hope is a dangerous thing  etc. etc.


    I love all of these and I know I will love the album. Doin' time is the only one that has some beat and rhythm that makes you move. I hope some of the unreleased tracks have a bit of a tempo too. Don't get me wrong I could listen to Black Beauty forever but I think it would help balance the album and might appeal to some new fans if there was more tempo. Not necessarily the sentiment of the song just the rhythm. Hope that makes sense.   Hey I just wrote a song! "Hope that makes sense because I have some." (sense) :P

    She did it for LFL already so why should she do it for NFR too?

    I think Doin' Time is on it because it's a little hit so they have something to put on the sticker if there is one.


    OT: I wonder why she used the BBC versions of HM & TLY on her tour and not the album versions?

  3. which one

    The Norman font on the official cover. The one with the guy on it.

    Does anyone lowkey get depressed as fuck like 2 or 3 days after the album is released tho? I remember a couple days after LFL was released i fell into this scary pit of sadness, it was like everything i was waiting for was over and i should've been happy but i felt really sad, like there was nothing to look forward to :( idk, Lana's albums are like a black christmas to me

    I feel sad because of her music. It puts me into my deepest emotions.

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