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Posts posted by WaitForLife

  1. I was taking a cold shower and I got to thinking, I thought


    How long are (unreleased) songs typically in circulation among leakers/insiders/whatevs before leaking to the public? Like Cherry Blossom and Wild on You/The Color Blue for example are allegedly from 2013 but have just leaked this year. How long did people have those songs before they leaked? How long were their existences known before they were even teased? Sorry if this is a weird question or if it’s been answered before; I’m running a fever rn and half asleep rn lmao

    I think it depends on how much the fans want the songs and how the leakers are. Some got it and leak it in a few months others know these songs are highly wanted so they try to keep them until they made something out of it e. g. fame or money. I guess nobody knows when the leakers got the songs. It could be that Lana made a song in 2012 and leakers find it in 2019 and leak it for fun.

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