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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. This forum is truly only filled with us needing to accept that our favorite artists will never peak again
  2. LOL omg. I mean it's classic Marina tbf. But idk, I'm here for it.
  3. Loved the song! It's so Marina! It's giving, FROOT
  4. Although Del Rey can't put a specific release date on the project just yet, she teases that "we'll see" This fucking bitch. She absolutely scrapped and has zero in the vault Wtf for?
  5. Lentilus

    Lady Gaga

    Walking into the new era like:
  6. Girlypops, there's no way she's gonna announce a single shit about the next single. Let's be serious for once. Lana's not mindful or demure like that and it's time we finally accept that. She's random af and she's never serious I fear
  7. Okay so the BBC won't broadcast this show? I don't get it. Is it the same festival or what? This one is just Leeds festival and the other Leeds reading festival? Make it make sense
  8. Not really tbh with her bf track record. Anyways it was a joke sit down and enjoy the show.
  9. Lana's bf number 83668464 saw she was a low-key monster to deal with and dipped as they all do eventually
  10. They're finally ignoring her so she's forced to sing
  11. I don't get the stans wearing their heart shaped glasses at night during her set. Like, can they even see the bitch?
  12. Floptender is here to stay forever I fear. Idk why but it's low-key giving tonight.
  13. Some of y'all are trippin, she literally looks happy.
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