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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. OOP! Blue Banisters demo, possible leak!!! https://dbree.org/v/9674b7
  2. Lol! My king!!! It's a sign....Marina calls to you to stan!
  3. 1 hour till preorder drops. Bookmark me bitches.
  4. I miss @Lustformoney? where is she? Y'all really dragged her to filth yesterday.
  5. I mean, I'm still having the 3 songs on repeat everyday since they released. But idk, the fact that she hasn't addressed them in almost any way, just makes it feel like a very dry season of info. I'm nervous af for June 1st....this might be a huge let down. It might be a serve. It might be a delay announcement by a thirsty insider. WE DON'T KNOW ANYMORE
  6. we just got three songs and already feel like it's dry season.
  7. omg, period! Exactly my feelings! I have no idea how the rest of the album will sound like, but I'm sure we have a golden era coming! I mean, you actually spilled
  8. Yes, I'm quoting myself, wanted to add: I feel like this album will mark the moment of a huge change for Lana. I don't know what kind of change, but major change. These lyrics are, imo some of the darkest lyrics. And the instrumentals on TB are truly out of a place of an acceptance of desperation and defeat. She will outdark Ultraviolence. I'm not surprised she released three tracks at once. These magnificent three are siblings. I feel like she's gonna tell her story, just like she said she would. and this was just the beginning. And she needed to tell it in three songs. These songs will not be for everyone, possibly the whole album. This is for herself. Prhaps why we don't get the typical visual rollout.
  9. Omg, I know I'm late, but I haven't really mentioned what I thought of the three songs! TB is my favorite so far, listen to the song at a very low volume and you start to hear the small details of her voice and some of the instrumentals! It's ghostly! She and Zach really outdid themselves with this track. (for what it is anyways) BB really surprised me. I was not a fan of the snippet, and had written off as another snoozefest. But the song is gorgeous, there's not much to say about it, I love it's lyrical/musical content. WW, that one had to grow on me, partly because my Mike Dean expectations were foolishly high. But I love the song once I adjusted to the sound. And it's amazing to play on piano. The chord progression is truly rich. The Lyrical part of the song is super heavy, as are the two other songs. Overall, I'm very excited for the album. I like that these songs create their own universe. I missed that about NFR and COCC.
  10. Lol, some girlies were fighting in her livestream about Cardi b fighting somewhere acting all ghetto n shit. Omg wtf happened on the marina thread yesterday???
  11. It's boring, someone keep up the fights.
  12. I just scrobbled Dealer on Last fm.... Don't believe all these fake scrobbles guys, it's too easy to edit the tags.
  14. She changed he pfp and facebook banner.......
  15. Aww! Omg what did I miss? Are they being mean?
  16. I can't say which is my favorite at this point. Because they keep changing! I CAN'T!!! THEY ARE SO FUCKING GOOD, AND SOOOO LUSCIOUS.
  17. I wasn't aware people actually liked COCC. Nah jk jk, it's a gorgeous album, but, it's definitely one that I only listen to when I'm feeling a certain way.
  18. Right...these songs are top tier for me!! Truly!!! From the lyrics to the instrumentals, to the atmosphere. These songs are perfection. I wanted fire bops. But this....is something Lana expressed in the way she didn't dare to do on COCC. To me, she's finally breaking through to share and heal what she's been going through.
  19. Lana released 3 songs....She dragged her fathers "wife" Patty, for raging at her as a child which led her to take long term medication. LB was completely shut down....what a glorious day.
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