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Posts posted by Lentilus

  1. On 10/10/2020 at 7:21 PM, Kimi said:

    Lana can’t sing live. It’s not only about the technique, her tone sounds awful as well. Her studio vocals are unparalleled but once she’s on that stage :rip:


    Then Explain this Ma'am, the best vocals during Ride....also, that face she makes at the beginning of the video is gold! The shade. :rip: 


    The way she gave the best Ride performance in the Netherlands. :crying5:

  2. 3 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

    Don't mind him; he's been that way for a long time now and (almost) everyone has noticed.  


    As for Alex ... speechless. 

    You do this shit all the time, though. 


    Throwback to when you called me a bitch, Elle warned you, you did it again minutes later to defy her and got mod queued. 


    Seriously grow up. 

    It was twice luv, not all the time Get it right warrior. :candy:

  3. 6 minutes ago, UltraviolenceBaby said:

    justifying ur toxicity by saying you had a bad day is a very stupid reason and make you look worse, people and this site isn’t a bag you throw up ur toxicity on.. we all have our bad days so that’s not an excuse of being a fucking rude person. 


    anyway i have a feeling that the video is a goobye message to LA 

    shes sharing her fav moments even w her ex

    I get it, I'm canceled. I'm leaving LB for a week to sort shit out. What else can I do than apologize. Let it be, you guys won. I'm :rip::gclap: bye all.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Tulips said:

    I liked you as a user but wow, this post and your other posts regarding this situation are so mean and unnecessary.


    There’s really no justification in what Alexa did.. reading that Insta post made me really upset, I’m surprised she didn’t get much backlash.

    I had a moment and a tough day. I guess i vented at the wrong time  apologies are in order  

  5. Just now, ChaoticLipster said:

    Don’t get me wrong I like her family,  but I don’t care too much for her friends being in her art all the time. It’s a bit too tacky for me personally.  

    I understand this, but that's just it, it's not about you or the fans, she creates for herself, all artists, in the end, are ruled by their own art, and stay loyal to their art. Otherwise you lose what made you special.

    Just now, BlueINK said:

    Oh dear lord...


    see, just like a bated cancel warrior

  6. 4 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    She wasn’t lying when she said this album was about her  friends and family (not patti) 

    and yet people will still hate on it because why the fuck not. 

    Just now, normanrockweII said:

    I really think you should let go of the image that you have built of Lana a little bit. I feel that she finally found herself artistically, in her poetry and her way of telling stories, also through books or music. her choosing to make her own clips, single covers and etc. reflect that she is really committed to doing things her way. and I feel that anyone who can’t accept that maybe should choose another artist as their favorite instead of being put some negativity in her job! 

    Literally, on point, perfectly put.

  7. I loved the homemade mv. Again, some of ya'll truly don't deserve these cute things. Understand, Lana doesn't want to live that popstar glam life all the time anymore. she's aging, things change, perspective changes. 

    We knew it was gonna be a home made video. If you want to trash her again, wait until you (fore no reason hate) watch the high budget Chemtrails mv.


    Like chill, Lana is really out there living her best life, and some of ya'll really can't even begin to know what that means. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, BlueINK said:

    Don't feel bad. I absolutely abhor that Alex woman. I hate her. I don't care about Ashley but that other one omfg- :icant2: No.


    Before anybody tells me I'm a bitch, here's the reason: I saw screenshots of a message that a woman with cancer sent to Alex, Ashley and Lana, asking if she could meet Lana before she dies or something and Alex saw it and answered with "LOL" and that was it. 
    Literally, if Lana would've been allowed to use her first NFR cover sitting on the rock with the two dancers, I would have made my own album cover and glued it over that one. The first time ever I was grateful for Ben and Ed.


    Wait, I'll search for receipts and see if I can find anything about that incident...

    Yes, I do think you are a b*** for talking out of your ass like that. From what I've seen, Alex, and Ash, are sweethearts. Lana probably gets messages all the time from people with "cancer" on the death bed like all the time, if they even are. How dare you talk such utter shit about people you don't even know. Fuck me, here we go again with the constant bullshit. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, katebusho said:

    i think last week during a voicecall with my friends


    when was the last time you visited @.honeymoon on instagram?



    When was the last time you painfully, banged your toe against something. :icant:

  10. 5 minutes ago, moonchild13 said:

    You practically spoke my mind. Thanks for channeling the idea I couldn't completely process 

    Gaga is an Enigma! It's never easy describing her creations! :crying2:

  11. 23 minutes ago, moonchild13 said:

    LOL at me actually liking the 911 video over every single other Gaga video :thumb2:

    911 M, I had no idea what I though a video for the song would be like. I only thought that a video with a huge choreography would not be in the best interest for it. The Lyrics def needed an artsy video representing Gaga's true insight to her mind. It turned out a 100% serve. 


    To me, it's her best video because of this.

  12. 2 minutes ago, veinsineon said:

    This. The only times I can really recall Lana actually feeling sorry for things she’s done is when she “retired” Cola, and when she had to cancel her Israel show. Even then, those instances were kind of unavoidable. Twitter doesn’t want an apology all they care about is who to cancel this week.

    Truly wish Twitter was the thing that people chose to cancel. That would be a win for the culture. :um2:

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