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Posts posted by Lentilus

  1. 6 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

    I vividly recall you rage quitting this site after being told off by Elle for whining about, and verbally abusing, other people. Here you are whining again and trying to seem so edgy. Cute. 


    If you think you're so much better than everyone else then what are you doing here? This is a discussion board and nobody who joins takes a blood oath and solemnly swears to not criticise Lana. Deal with it. 



    Alright I get it, I'm only allowed to tear down Lana, that's 90% of what is done here, so it must be the right thing to do. You're all saints,xoxox

  2. 4 hours ago, VeniceBambi said:

    Not to be that person but I find people turning masks into fashion statements at this time to be disrespectful to those suffering from covid itself and what covid is causing in peoples lives... 


    its just soo unneccesary. bad timing. I do believe masks will become apart of everyday life like they were in east asia 


    but can we wait for the virus to end before we start turning it into a fashion accessory


    this is why although the mask is cute and the cover of the magazine is beautiful I cant 100% enjoy it:(


    idk if im being over the top but it does leave a bad taste in my mouth. Her mask doesnt even at least have a plastic cover behind the rhinestones :/ smh....... 


    But you were that person, and it's just boring. You people are never happy with anything Lana ever does, and if you are it only lasts a day on this forum. F**k sake, what do you people want, for humans to be enslaved to a hivemind state of thinking? We don't know why lana chose to wear this mask. The reason people make masks into fashion accessories are in order to cope with the situation, and make wearing masks more tolerable, but whatever, you people are only ever here to pinpoint every little detail you can find to talk straight up bull. Get out of the hive mind mentality you warriors. :hoe:

  3. 8 minutes ago, Doin Time said:

    She was definitely being sarcastic and I think that's the theme of this era, how we're pretending everything's fine when the world is falling apart type of vibe

    Spot on!! Especially after reading the interview. And the video of her being chaotic yet pretending not to be bothered, showing us her jewelry. Def a commentary on the delusion and disillusion that is 2020.

  4. I subscribe to the idea that what’s going on in the macrocosm, whether it be in the presidency or a virus that keeps us isolated, is a reflection of what’s going on in the individual home and inside bedrooms and what people intimately talk about. I think there’s been existential panic for a long time, but people haven’t been paying attention to it because they’ve been too busy buying shoes. And shoes are cute. I love shoes. But now that you can’t go shopping, you have to look at your partner and be like, “I’ve lived with you for 20 years, but do I even know you?” You realize maybe you’ve only every allowed yourself to scratch the surface of yourself because if you went any deeper, you might have a mild meltdown for no reason, just out of the blue, and no amount of talking could explain why. It’s just a part of your genetic makeup. You could just be prone to panic. I think a lot of people are that way"

    SPOT ON!!!!

    Also......we really need the song "dealer" but in pretty sure we wont! :defeated:

  5. 2 minutes ago, drugsandroses said:

    Ok so I'm high af and I just had the most delusional moment so far. I believe she said Sept 5th cause in her mind was a nice day to release the album but of course things get delayed now, and besides this is Lana we're talking so we must've learnt by now not to trust anything she says. But then I thought about Video Games and how she says 'i feel so alone on a Friday night' and I thought: the album's not coming on Sept 5th, it's coming on the 4th.



    That was born to die sweetheart..:awk:


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