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love deluxe

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Posts posted by love deluxe

  1. okay so idk if anyone cares but i have a youtube channel where i do lana videos set to movies and it'd mean the world to me if you guys checked it out. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAGBzL256gCDMpZlFJhPm8Q/about?view_as=subscriber

    also my fav video i made is for venice bitch, set to the sofia coppola movie lost in translation. no it doesn't take place in venice. she doesn't give a fuck! next question! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tdvxDUeqWg

  2. It’s not about listening. It’s about (for me) being more spoiled by each post in a thread that was clearly stated earlier in red to use spoilers when talking about the album. I didn’t even log in for most of the day bc that’s all it was, posts about “OH THIS IS MY FAVORITE UGH SHE SHOULDVE CHANGED THIS UGH I LOVE THIS” and then people ranking the songs all day. That’s what the post release thread is for, it’s ruining conversations that would otherwise happen IN THAT THREAD and a lot of us would prolly like to be part of those conversations but we don’t want to hear it not only out of fucking respect for the artists but for our own experience with the album.

    And there’s no reason to be hostile with people IN THIS THREAD who feel the same way I do. In a thread made for “BEFORE THE ALBUM”, hence the “pre” in the title????

    ur literally being hostile tho...

    btw that's not me trying to be mean or fight im just saying that saying "there's no reason to be hostile" came off as a little hypocritical

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