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Everything posted by CinnamonGay

  1. @Distantly could you please ask on ATRL if this song was the new song added this week or was it always to be on the record <3
  2. Is the song new or was it always intended to be on the original concept of the album??? I'm confused
  3. Thank you @littleredpartydress and @IanadeIrey
  4. Looks like it was filmed a long time ago? The hair and the cheek fillers seem to be around from last year? @IanadeIrey need your clarity much queen <3
  5. What if this was what Ben and Ed were mentioning about "she wanted to do something for so long and maybe finally this time we can do it "... A surprise release with no info, just digital.. Dropping BB+AS&C+ country covers on July 4...
  6. Maybe Tap management hired BoZ and asked him to do this :p Burst our delulu and give us fake hints and telling us the album is delayed. Then july 4 BAM HELLO EVERYONE .HERE IS MY ALBUM ELIZABETH. Maybe she added a new song after seeing the hype Halsey is receiving for collaborating with such legendary producers ..
  7. He could tell the number of tracks currently on it :p
  8. Could he atleast spill the Number of tracks or smth..or the genre/sound..
  9. No jack and no rick. Hmmm So that leaves Gabe, Zach? Emile?
  10. Sorry I just didnt want both of them to release on same day...
  11. OMG HALSEY?? Why is FOURTH in caps in her caption OMG PLS NOT JULY 4
  12. I dont think she wants a no1 album which highlights how hard her life has been..which involves abuse by Patty or possibly even more. I'm pretty sure she will touch upon her rehab days or how she got sent away from home.. the grammys. Complex. The racist tag... She just wants to vomit everything out of her system so she can move on to singing about having babies with clay or whoever..
  13. Idk. I feel it will drop on July 4. She wants it to make it all about herself.. To be iconic. She will def not back out of it....
  14. Nikki Lane harvesting carrots. Nikki lane tending to pigs Nikki lane taking hay Hahaha. Alot of material available :p jkjk
  15. Weird how she names Nikki with her full name and this Jenny with just her first name.. Which Jenny am I supposed to think about? Atleast with Nikki we know its Lane..(did she think we would assume Minaj????)
  16. JULY 2 MANIFESTING. . BoZ..Eclipse..anyone.. God send someone to spill some Info..
  17. Sorry, I misunderstood. My bad. Hope we cool <3
  18. I never meant that she should hop on new trends. I said that an artist nowadays to become popular among GP has to do that. I'm perfectly fine with Lana being the way she is and I love her music more than ever. My replies were just pointing out stuff to another user.
  19. Lana lives in her own world. Half the time she doesnt even know what's happening. I'm pretty sure she would have signed the Equality act if she knew about it. Maybe her managers should try to make her aware of what's going on.
  20. She needs a better PR team. And someone to actually proofread her statements before she goes off. There was 0 damage control post QFTC.. She derailed her image with poor phrasing, although her intentions were right. Taylor was cancelled from 2016-2019. But the GP LOVES her now. Because Taylor kept promoting LGBTQ equality or endorsing new upcoming artists or trying to be very political. Lana will recover. Slowly but surely. She just needs to do some PR stunts.
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