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Everything posted by Jimtheman

  1. Is there a roundup anywhere of everything insiders have said about A&W? Need to refresh my memory
  2. Am I deluded for believing it’s still gonna drop today? Or at least SOMETHING has to happen today surely
  3. Since she was protective/non-verbal about WFWF in that bb live stream, I wonder if she will avoid comments about whatever is said in A&W. The fact it’s the lead single, I hope she’s willing to talk about it and its meaning
  4. I wonder if the song will in any way contextualise that photo of Lana over Christmas/NYE when she burnt that scrap of paper that had being a slut written on it
  5. I just know “”””the album campaign”” is gonna go off with a bang…. Whoever said once one piece of promo hits, the rest will come flooding - I agree
  6. I’ll bite… is there a possible reason for this other than a new single being imminent?
  7. If her team are wanting the single to be big with all eyes on Lana it’s probably gonna drop with a MV at the same time… surprise surprise
  8. I need an interview asap in which she discusses the origins of this album concept, like I wonder when she got the idea for the record and its title and aesthetic
  9. This era is just making me so so happy idk man… the fact that she’s creating such great art, is absolutely beaming in the billboard vid, is giving us looks, doing fun stuff like the insta account, is planning concerts again, plus the praise from her collaborators, Neil and RIOPY etc I’m streaming the heck out of the tunnel song every day and it is filling me with pure joy
  10. I’m hoping and praying for this coming Saturday but since others have indicated the gap between the shoot and the magazine article is usually longer, I’m guessing early March. Maybe it’s even to accompany a review of the album?
  11. Yeah I definitely agree it was highly unlikely it was going to have genuinely new info For what it’s worth I’ve never seen this thread so active at 9.30am UK time…. The article has brought us together and for that we have Empire of Lounge to thank
  12. I agree they don’t deserve too much slander (as it is apparent they are a novice “publication”) and definitely don’t deserve mean comments, but their advertising of the article was highly misleading…. The way in which they teased an article implied they had new information, which they did not - they had literally nothing to say I guess this is how the industry works when you’re a small zine trying to get publicity but it’s still misleading and that does merit criticism (imo)
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