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Everything posted by longtimeman

  1. The BTD version of 'Lolita' makes me feel like I'm going insane. I don't even know if I like it or not, but every time I hear it, it completely changes how I'm feeling, in a sniffing glue sort of way. I like the demo of Dark Paradise more than the album version, but think the verses should be in a different song than the chorus. I would have been just as happy if Emil only used the Rick James sample on one song, instead of on every song.
  2. Thank you very much for that I will never argue with someone who prefers the demo of Black Beauty - that song obsessed me when I first came across it. I just totally fell for the big drums and guitar of the album version, and it's nicer to have two cool versions than only one. As for 'Is This Happiness' - I do really like it. I think I was getting a bit tired of writing, so rushed the ending, but is classic Lana.
  3. A new, not very serious cover of a very old, very serious song
  4. That comment stuck out a mile to me as well. It makes me thankful I'm not in the public eye - just thinking of being Lana (no matter who she is or what she's done, she's still just a person), and seeing somebody who has never met me deciding that they hate me so much they want to dedicate part of their future to putting me down. If a high school student said that to someone in their class you'd assume that they had some serious problems, but on the internet adults* just go ahead and say stuff like this. * I'm assuming this guy is an adult, but whenever I read a comment like this, what I'm hearing in my head is a three year old screaming "you're a poopyhead and your face looks like poop!"
  5. It's my first post, and I'm happy it's in this thread. I've listened to UV 2-3 times a day every day since my CD arrived (about 9 days ago), and think it's an amazing record. I haven't been this excited about a record that has a chance of going to #1 worldwide since Kurt Cobain was still alive, Here's my track by track rundown, with the disclaimer that I'm a crazy fan of Lana's voice, so I'm far from objective. It's long too. Hey - it's a long record. tl;dr - it's a great record, I'd give it 9/10 overall on the usual scale of rating records, but 10/10 as value for my money, because I've already spent more time enjoying it than other great records I've had for years.
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