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Everything posted by venicebitx

  1. Hi! so i just downloaded the music into my pc with the code that came with my vinyl and a notice that "not all who wonder are lost" it's only called wanderlust!
  2. Hi! So allegedly the problem comes from "off-gassing," where there's a chemical reaction between the vinyl and the plastic lined sleeve, and it causes a cloudy film like staining on the record that will not come off. Initially it does not seem to affect the sound quality, but over time I think that it can cause damage. In my experience, the records will slowly develop a soft crackle that gets progressively worse over time. And it's recommend it to storage inside anti static plastic sleeves like this one https://www.google.com/search?q=anti+static+plastic+sleeve&safe=active&sxsrf=ALeKk00ucJ762nfIwVrwhd6I-zXb-bsyfA:1616173530799&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwir_8rJ67zvAhUJ6OAKHdmwCSMQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1527&bih=699#imgrc=D-x8gZe3B5riQM, hope it helps! The mofi ones are so good and really what everyone uses but they are so expensive
  3. I think they will all go up at the Village at any moment
  4. The signed litho so prettyyy https://www.instagram.com/p/CMmidKNsE6I/?igshid=19zk173hwj9nw
  5. Talk to the costumer service as soon as possible!
  6. Not yet! He told me he didn’t order the yellow one, they look pretty similar i think the beige has tints of orange and the yellow of course yellow haha x EDIT: actually he is getting it tomorrow and he will compare them it’s @vinyljunkiee.uk
  7. I asked him to send me pictures and he sent me this!
  8. Btw it says this is the beige??? https://www.instagram.com/p/CMmcitZs9-B/?igshid=3nqx87m62css
  9. Most probably, since it shows at the village! did someone receive the beige one yet?? I want to see it!
  10. I want to see the postcards of her pop up shop
  11. I bought it, if i see it anywhere else i can’t cancel it i don’t know how limited this will be REALLY?? I just paid 6,99 from germany to spain wtf
  12. 3RD PICTURE DISC https://www.bravado.de/p51-i0602435592718/lana-del-rey/chemtrails-over-the-country-club-picture-disc-2-/index.html
  13. it's a pop up digital store!! https://ldrvillage.com/#/
  14. Ask the costumer service if they have any updates! I bought from them chromatica and they didn’t notify me they shipped and went back to their storage!
  15. The picture it’s from someone who already have it and post it on tw like 3 days ago, from walmart
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