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Everything posted by Barttender

  1. I've been paying attention to this girl and hearing interesting things...
  2. It made me laugh... Thanks!
  3. Oh... She's a "bad picker"! She's saying that she will stop accepting anything and choose her men better. I'm just kidding! lol
  4. I didn't understand why you quoted me. If what you wrote was for me, know that I was agreeing with what DCooper wrote. And, if it's of interest to you, read my previous posts where I express my opinion on that.
  5. It's complicated... Would it be good if she talked about it? Would be great! But after what happened in the past few days, due to her posts, I would understand if she made an anonymous donation and stayed away from Instagram, to avoid any misunderstanding. I don't think now would be a good time for her to speak, because people just didn't hear her anyway... In addition to the causes associated with artistic projects, such as donations collected with "Looking For America" ​​and the issue of indigenous peoples, I don't remember seeing her post something about other causes on her social media (Which does not prevent her from supporting them anonymously). I hope she can use her platform for this in the future... If she wants to, of course.
  6. I agree that she could use her platform to raise awareness and / or post links to petitions and donations. But she would be dragged again, either by her previous posts or by the fact that she dated with that asshole cop. And if she is really a "fragile person", who absorbs things too much, the attacks directed at her, in these last days, must have exhausted her energies. I believe that she will protect herself for a while, avoiding any kind of "conflict". That said, at this point, she can also donate (or has already donated) to the cause, without needing to show people that she is doing it... It would also be valid in this case.
  7. I hope she takes time to relax... And let us rest for a while too! lol
  8. A curiosity... Lewis Hamilton, one of the few black F1 drivers in a sport where there is little racial diversity and who suffered racial attacks early in his career, liked Lana's video. I think it all has to do with how each person interprets what her meant. But the act of interpreting something in a personal / individual way is often affected by the "herd effect" on social media... People sometimes like it because everyone likes it, or hate it because it is fashionable to hate. Interestingly, its number of her followers is increasing.
  9. I may be wrong, but I understood Chuck's post in another way... As if she were saying: "I'm glad I only take pictures. I'm not famous, I don't run the risk of being misinterpreted by my work or by something I write or sing." Lana's dad liked her first statement and the #fuckoff post. Maybe, after that, he advised her to let it go... But Lanz!
  10. I'm a little late, since I'm a busy. But... It seems sad to me that when she finally decides to put out things that bother her, her own fans question her sanity... Jesus Christ! Can't a woman change her posture or talk about what she wants without being labeled crazy? When deciding to deal with these personal matters now, does it not occur to you that she could be in a healthier place than when she was unable to deal with it? She talked about fragility and, in a way, about oppression / abuse. And what do I see are people saying to her "shut up"? That sounds offensive and oppressive as hell... I can understand why she got angry and told some to fuck themselves. I believe that part of her "blind reaction" to people's comments may have been triggered by those "oppressive" comments she received. Please, as much as she has expressed herself badly, in the use of words, and this has caused misunderstandings about her intentions, do not do with her exactly what she was complaining about in that post, for those who managed to understand her. As I said before, being a "straight white man", it is not for me to discuss issues related to feminism. It is up to me to just support them. I know that what she said provoked several discussions, because her words are not very articulate. But I'm not going to go into that, although I understand why some people are uncomfortable. I believe in her good intentions and I never saw her as vulnerable as in that video. Don't get me wrong... That's all I feel about this sad episode.
  11. The day is not over yet... lol But I'm hoping that normality will continue.
  12. I thought he was just a fan, like the ones who always go to events where she is and on many shows... Until the moment he posted a picture of Lana's car interior and another one where her license plate appears. Totally irresponsible and invasive. @@RormanNockwell Are you talking about the weird guy from the "biblical quotes"?
  13. Yeah! I also interpreted her words that way.
  14. Did he like the poem? lol
  15. Oh Lana... I really liked that. Thanks Rorman!
  16. Every notification from Lana is a mini heart attack...
  17. "To those asking - I'm chilling. Just sharing my thoughts In poetry an in music. Like it or not." (Miss Del Rey) Maybe the way that she living is killing me slowly... lol
  18. Oh man... I can't. I'm taken! lol But I love her with all my heart.
  19. Damn, I've had enough! The girl has already achieved what she deserved and what she "didn't deserve" by expressing herself in a confused way. But what she tried to expose in that post, in a poorly articulated way, cannot be dismissed... Lana has something that hurts her. How I wish I could talk to her for hours about how she feels about all of this. Maybe she just wants to be heard.
  20. I think her speech has absolutely nothing to do with him. She just seems to want to throw away everything that no longer serves her...
  21. Hey Elle... I hope you are well! Come back soon to put order in this house.
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