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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. gay intern said “yesss! ?” something like that
  2. honestly they should force her to post the actual cover at this point. no preorder just the cover (and maybe the tracklist). just so everyone can shut up and stop saying weird stuff about her mental health over an edit
  3. mike dean reposting lana’s album announcement to distract us from the edit
  4. good morning have we calmed down about the edit
  5. well yeah you have a right to be concerned but it’s inappropriate to go on about drugs and alcohol when we know nothing about her life. i understand what you’re saying but the substances part really rubbed me the wrong way
  6. anyways i’m probably going to wake up to a statement from lana tmrw but gn. let’s remember to keep our jokes to a minimum and not mock mental health also i don’t think that “brusing” or whatever that is on her skin was intended. in the og photo and the b/w photo that discoloration is there https://www.instagram.com/p/CEF1ok1J1oZ/?igshid=56lqeujrxjoc
  7. jdhdhhshw it’s not the cover omfg. like i said there’s no way ben would let a green chest reach the vinyl factories. she’s done photos like these ever since white dress. twitter needs to calm down
  8. i feel really bad cause she mustve loved those edits a lot but this tweet is also sending
  9. you guys.. it’s obviously not the cover lmfao. she posted two covers she made that she liked and wanted to share it to social media that’s all. as if ben would ever let that photo make it to the vinyl factories
  10. i can be your fourth of july.. i can be your fourth of july
  11. i was literally about to post that. but anyways insane
  12. it’s just an article about the album. nothing interesting
  13. i mean.. it’s not a big deal. there’s no interview so this mag is worthless
  14. waiting for the imminent rage this thread is going to have because she didn’t post news
  15. hidhdghwgs you guys freaking out over lana not posting for a week. just a reminder that we’ve experienced much worse hiatuses
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