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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. do you guys think lana's signature is going to be authentic? i really don't want another stuck with u type of situation
  2. not the lanaboards girls and gays breaking the system
  3. £0.01 for a signed cd what’s up with that. link the website you ordered the bundles from
  4. her management has the audacity to post the signed cd when im busy and away from home..
  5. i don't think this has been noticed but the lime green vinyl is up for preorder and ships on march 31st https://shoplanadelrey.com/collections/music/products/norman-fucking-rockwell-lime-green-lp
  6. Rust Dress


    https://instagram.com/stories/0800shygirl/2499450527706055849?igshid=bzy6jmse1zwb this is so cute
  7. Rust Dress


    oh pls. i feel like an idiot
  8. Rust Dress


    well most of the songs that leaked are songs that she didn’t want out there (kitty kat) because they weren’t finished. Im 100% certain these songs were never going to be released and the leaker knows that
  9. Rust Dress


    who tf leaked kitty kat. honestly that’s just so disrespectful
  10. Rust Dress


    took a nap expecting for this to all be over. still in this fucking nightmare
  11. Rust Dress


    i can’t bring myself to listen to music at all without thinking of her, sophie produced or not. i just feel so empty. like my only source of true happiness and to get my mind off things is watching her old shows. i don’t know what do anymore
  12. Rust Dress


    I think this is the extended mix that was made for a louis vuitton show and samee. i never got to see her live and i was hoping i could this year but god.. im just so heartbroken
  13. Rust Dress


    god this is going to stick with me forever. she means so much to the lgbt community and made me comfortable with myself. fuck.. and guys please take care of yourself
  14. Rust Dress


    i don’t think i’ll ever get over this. she means so much to me and this is just so heartbreaking. her music honestly made me feel like I was levitating. her sound is so unique and truly revolutionized pop and electronic music. im so glad i ventured into this whole new world of music and discovered her. my heart aches for her closest friends.. charli, ciciaran, evita, arca, and so on. she’ll always be my forever rest in power
  15. Rust Dress


    this is not real life wtf
  16. Rust Dress


    i’ve calmed down a bit after watching some funny videos. all of this doesn’t seem real and ive never felt so empty and just disassociated from everything. i really dont know what to say
  17. Rust Dress


    they just said to be respectful and to wait for an official statement
  18. Rust Dress


    it hasn’t been officially confirmed. i dont know what to think right now
  19. Rust Dress


    you guys im so fucking scared
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