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Posts posted by lamms

  1. I think that Biden will have his hands full cleaning the DOJ, ICE (as an european just get rid of it tbh) and other sectors Trump placed illiterate and corrupt people (like DeVos ugh). And in 2022 when the peak of senate election is, he should focus on turning the majority blue again. Otherwise I don’t see much progress happening. Stacey Abrams already showed how it can be done, so if the DNC isn’t stupid as always there is really the possibility of change. 

    Also to the people dragging the Middle East into the US‘ mess now and as usual: what is there even left to bomb lmao 

    obviously iran and saudi arabia won‘t be harmed; for obvious reasons. the rest is already pretty much fucked beyond repair. the us literally created pretty much an endless stream of terrorists, who will retaliate against any western place -> france (caricature of mohammed), vienna -> for now reason really

    it makes me so sad, because i always remember how proud my parents talk about their home country. and yet all of it is left is ruins and pretty much just radicalized people, because of the suffering. 






  2. rUdHojt.jpg

    the mental gymnastics trump supporters go through to justify their shitty behavior is kinda fascinating but also terrifying. 

    also what does the gop expect to win by financing trump‘s lawsuits against the election results?? i genuinely don‘t understand why they would spend 60million dollars on this shit, when even mitch the bitch said to count all votes...?

  3. 54 minutes ago, TRENCH said:

    i am hopeful that either a good lawyer puts charges against him for all the clown sh*t he committed during his presidency, or the IRS charges him for the lack of paying taxes, which is most likely why he has never shown his taxes even after 4 years.


    [for those who dont know the IRS are the most blood thirsty service in the government, they honestly track down people better than the CIA or FBI, if you dont pay your taxes]

    If not the IRS the SDNY has apparently a case prepared, but they're waiting for him to lose the election. Trump and all his despicable croonies need to go to jail for moral boost tbh. The failed impeachment, Epstein, Supreme Court judges etc really make you believe that justice is dead over there and corruption prevailed with no turning back

  4. 1 hour ago, DCooper said:

    Um someone on ABC just said that the constitution says you can only have 2 terms as president but it doesn't specify that they have to be consecutive, so legally Trump can run again in 2024 if he loses.



    if he has a criminal record, how can he still run? in some states people with criminal history can't even vote! wtf

  5. On 10/1/2019 at 12:47 AM, Shellfish beach said:

    HOT TAKE: Attack on Titan kinda sucks


    It had the potential to be a great show but the plot holes and the obnoxious, one dimensional protagonist really drag the show down.

    more than a year later and it managed to make it all even worse! i wouldn't mind, if it wasn't for the same obnoxious fanboys, calling it the best manga ever, cause it's sooo smart and littered with (dumb) plot twists. it doesn't even look good lmao. yet i will hate-read it until it's done, so i can continue to trash it :teehee:

    anyway, everyone else excited where Berserk is heading to?

  6. On 10/16/2020 at 2:57 AM, VioletBunny said:

    I don't think these two contradict each other at all. She's even saying how she's not forcing him to follow him out of LA ("I think I'd manage"), and I interpret the "I need you to come/want you to come" as her telling him she wants him to come but she'll manage without, and her inner dialogue saying she needs him but she's not going to pressure him. It's quite a comforting song imo, she's in love with him and needs him but she won't pressure him or force him to do anything.


    BTD era would have her singing about how she'd literally die without him and she needs him to stay with her, now she's feeling the same but she doesn't tell him that because she's loving him like a woman, not a young girl.

    I've been thinking about this a lot and you're absolutely right! It actually underlines the second paragraph of the Question for the culture™ and while maybe not a mindblowingly great song it still manages to convey her intentions in that case very well. Thanks for your explanation, makes me like the song a bit more. :)


  7. Certainly feels like she was aiming for something like Dylan's Make You Feel My Love. But lyrically she missed the mark, because they're shallow. It's less about loving as a woman (tenderly, motherly (Let me hold you like a baby) = comforting), but more trying to convince someone (love interest) to be together or how good they could be together? Musically it fits into the comforting meaning of the song. Though without the lyrics going there really, the title seems misleading and indicates wasted potential imo. It's too repitive. I believe this song could have been so much better. The verses are what I adore vocally, not so much the chorus and bridge. Surely growing on me, sadly it won't overtake an "okay" tho.

    Obviously putting it up against one of the best love songs is unfair, but I'd have loved it, if she went at least lyrically deeper.


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