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Posts posted by lamms

  1. This is not how you deescalate. :whoopi: The Republican senators, who have been speaking out against all of this can go fuck themselves and choke on dicks. They enabled him, didn't impeach him and are now talking how despicable this is, they want to hold him accountable, like wow the gaslighting is insane

    edit: check out cspan, a lady from kentucky is talking about communism omfg, you can't make this shit up

  2. 18 minutes ago, Macintosh Manhattan said:


    Thier no better than Nazis. I said what I said :smile4: 

    They are Nazis...


    On another note, we had the same shit happening in Germany last summer but they (aka covid-idiots+nazis) "only" stormed the stairs. Goes to show, how scary their immobilisation is and how fast it can go out of hand. It is a threat EVERYWHERE, wether you like it or not. Right extremism has been on the rise for a while now and the problem is, that a lot of people in power are a huge part of the equation, when they secretly or not sympathize with terrorist like these or not go after them with the full force of the law


  3. 1 minute ago, IanadeIrey said:

    I guess that means Behind the Iron Gates could still be coming this year! Probably not in March but hopefully soon! 

    “Compiling” it suggests she’s just structuring the order of the book and getting all her pages formatted for widespread book printing and distribution I guess? 

    Hopefully she'll do an audiobook again. I love both the book and my cd. Also her revisiting Violet means it will hopefully continue, where Bare feet on linoleum left off. It would fit so well with the Interview video and going by what we have of COTCC as well... omg so excited:hype:

  4. 9 hours ago, PARADIXO said:

    oh my god yall stopped nominating me :defeated: just when i was getting a little more confident :noparty:

    anyway im so excited!! congrats to everyone

    You’re nonetheless the winner and daddy in the hearts of many :heart:

    So many users have been snubbed :creep:


  5. On 12/20/2020 at 8:52 AM, Danny Milk said:

    I put all the SHE IS MILEY CYRUS outtakes and demos that have leaked in one album, pretty sure this is allowed cuz she said she won't release them


    Thank you so much. So much wasted potential sadly, just like Lana‘s unreleased songs

  6. 1 minute ago, Chemtrail said:

    Britney can't sing so I'm not a fan, what's hard to understand? As for Nicki her lyrics are trash and she's always been insufferable. I don't care for most pop music, I haven't even heard a Selena Gomez song so I don't know, but it wouldn't be mind blowing if she could. I wouldn't go to see a show where the artist lip syncs even for free. I don't listen to artists who don't write their own music either.

    That’s your opinion tho and since there are fans of other artists here, it’s very close minded to call almost everyone else and an entire genre trash (which Lana makes music for too btw) and act like an insufferable snob and be rude towards other members. 
    Honestly giving AlexParliament vibes, but less iconic

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