This is random, but are artist able to shoot legit high budget videos again or is everything only DIY for the time being? I get confused when i see a new video release from some artist.
Wow, 2 Bad is hot! Bounce final....finally the XCX World album feels complete...
And damn it to any discord leak, come on guys really -_-, still waiting on Better when your gone in HQ.
Which version of Taxi is the OG mp3 to download? The sped up one or the "normal" speed one?
Also, if some hacker god out there has better when your gone in HQ, even if 128kb, please post. Discord quality is so 2017~
I can't with the lq Discord clips...come on guys oO. Types is a song I have waited for ....for a log time. I hope we get to hear that version some day. Cigarettes and Alcohol HQ is needed now..
This is great!!!! My first post, i finally joined after trying for so long....been a log term lurker and wanna say that XCX is life <3.
Also, Can someone leak Better when your gone in HQ now, like for reals~