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Everything posted by jaesana

  1. i just feel like we've been saying this saying sentiment since 2013 fjdsakjfslda and nothing has remotely compared to btd except a couple songs from LFL (in terms of the hip hop influences) however, maybe u have a point considering they just released summertime sadness SPED UP! lmaooo but that's a direct result from tiktok
  2. OHHH right i remember her saying that she's writing less and less about color in these new songs. that will be interesting because a lot of her lyrics reference blue
  3. yessss i immediately thought of UV. i think alana is a model so maybe a personal project for her
  4. it makes me so nervous for her because she's TOO sweet to these ppl and it almost encourages them to come back again and again. for her own safety she or her managers should be firm and tell him to cut that shit out. my question is-- how did he even know she was going to be there?? that's what concerns me.
  5. @alexparliament Are you gonna try to debunk this or https://imgur.com/Xebjfcs
  6. I'm holding out hope that Lana isn't back together with Sean
  7. The windows look the same because they are both Cadillacs, but Sean's is a 64 and Jack's is a 68. Lana was with Sean in Tulsa, plus she had a Mayo hotel coffee cup (which is in Tulsa). Hence the caption. So, it's definitely about Sean. Whether or not they are together is up for debate
  8. @AlexParliament Stop hiding behind the "I know cars" shtick. You don't. Jack has a 68 cadillac and Sean has a 64 cadillac (both devilles). You clearly do not know cars. I made this thing on Photoshop and I'm gonna link the image here. Please disprove this. https://imgur.com/Xebjfcs
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