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Everything posted by prettywhenimhigh

  1. 2 hours and 45 minutes for us to go on a road trip across her body the map of los angeles
  2. good morning bitches today is the day let the final countdown begin!!!!!
  3. yes, check eclipse's IG! the only one we haven't seen yet is the target exclusive but apparantely it's a picture of her in a john deere lol
  4. dealer leaked and arcadia drops tomorrow we have 4 different album covers!
  5. well I'm waiting until the album drops but from what I'm reading it looks more promising than what I expected
  6. same sis we did it before with cocc we'll do it again
  7. NOOO let her release her album without someone leaking it first ffs
  8. I like to imagine that she likes to include lizzy "hidden" in her albums and black bathing suit looks like it's gonna be the lizzy of blue banisters
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