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Venice Peach

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Posts posted by Venice Peach

  1. I am once again reminding you all that Ocean Blvd was almost a surprise release/announcement (the single actually was) cause she wasn't teasing the album at all leading up to the announcement.


    The last "official" news we had were a CN snippet back in August and she suddenly announced the announcement (:hide:) less than a week before the preorder.


    There's so many signs pointing to the album actually coming this year (studio version snippets, her straight up saying it, confirming it to Elle some weeks ago...).

    The fact that she included Tough and she is releasing it as a single (allegedly) confirms even more than the album is done, cause according to that insider she was considering its inclusion in the record back in February... and guess what... it's in there so the tracklist and album are done and being pressed right now :true:


    The only counter argument is that vague and confusing interview which was probably about the sound and genre of the record and it sounded more like "it's done and it is what it is, we'll see" than "I scrapped it and started from scratch"

  2. Having a, for example, 10 track album where every song is really good is nice and pleasing but having a 16 track album where I love 10, like 4 and don't care about 2 is way better to me.


    I tend to listen to full albums so the concept of a record is important to me but for Lana I don't care... I value quantity cause the quality is usually up there during the whole thing.

    Like I might skip Beautiful or some LFL tracks but I still listen to them from time to time so I appreciate that they exist :true:


    Of course more than 15-16 tracks is a bit too much tho :um2:

  3. I don't find the silence worrying cause Ocean was also basically radio silence (we knew it existed and we had some vague BOZ teasers about an album he loved) and she announced it out of the blue.

    If she didn't reveal it in that random event it would have been a total surprise :true:


    Lasso is coming 

  4. I think she just means simpler songs with a more standard structure and more focused on melodies instead of having the lyrics being the central part of the song.


    Maybe something like NFR in the sense that it is insanely well written but it's not that complex lyrically (except Hope).

    But to be fair I think there are songs like that in all three of her last albums so we'll see.


    I was really impressed and I enjoyed a lot her diaristic and lyrical dense songs like A&W, WFWF, Fingertips (maybe my favorite song by her now) but her strength has always been more about painting pictures and telling stories than convoluted metaphors so I'm really excited. 



  5. 33 minutes ago, Mer said:


    I don't understand the correlation? 

    They are both signed to Interscope and they tend to space their artists' releases so the rollouts don't overlap too much.


    For example Camila's album was "delayed" a bit so it's not on the same month as Billie even if she's way smaller than her now.

  6. 14 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

    in 2021, we got the first three singles on May 20 and the album in October


    well, today is May 21... :aubrey:

    Since the album is coming out in September we actually got the first three Lasso singles on April 20... :true:


    Didn't you like Tumblebug Tumbleweed, Songbook and Brown Fences?

  7. Now that Billie released her album Tough could come out at anytime  :gasp:


    Since it's probably Lana's song and she loves a random Wednesday release I'll start shazaming the snippet everyday.

    Nothing shows up yet tho :um2:


    I give it around two tweeks... if it's still coming out in September we're so close to preoder territory :creepna:


    And even if it's not in September she said she still plans on releasing this year so either way it's coming out soon :dance4:

  8. Please every bit we get from the MV looks different why are we in Chromatica now :hide:


    I guess they were just doing some rehearsals or test shoots these days and they are shooting the actual thing tomorrow? Or maybe it's unrelated to Tough who knows.


    I know Lana doesn't care but Billie is under Interscope too and she's releasing this week so they wouldn't want 2 big releases in the same period (assuming it is indeed Lana's lead).

    I don't think we'll have to wait too long tho cause Billie has no single out and it's going to be post album single(s) only so I doubt she'll go full promo for more than 2-3 weeks... 


    June seems plausible and it's still very soon considering Ocean is not even 1.5 years old and Lasso coming in 2024 is almost confirmed so I don't mind waiting :true:

  9. 30 minutes ago, barttttender said:


    She'd never do that, periodt. Nobody's ever done that.


    What did the insider say exactly when they were talking about Tough?

    They said that Lana recorded back in February a 3 minute song with Quavo and that it might make it into the album (Lana's) .

    Then they recently posted some lyrics and confirmed the title.


    I feel like it's too much of a coincidence that the lyrics and visuals (so far) are giving Lasso to not be for Lana's record (unless she wants to have a cohesive era even with the collabs before the album)

  10. If Tough is for Lasso and we're getting it with a MV it's going to be the first time in ages that we get a real lead single with a proper MV to start an era :hide:

    We always get a random song she loves from the album first and then the "real lead".


    Unless we get Henry or another track soonish and this is coming closer to the album release/announcement :gasp:

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