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Everything posted by shadesofloveduthenandnow

  1. I know they think that I have everything If I can’t have LDR9 then they can’t have me
  2. Yes but she’s working with J*ck so we’ll probably be getting whispering voice memos with Jack mumbling and Lana hitting her vape in the background
  3. I have mixed feelings about Watercolor Eyes and I really don’t know why. Her voice sounds nice, the alternate mix is much better than the released version, and the lyrics aren’t horrible. I guess it still feels a little unfinished and could be a bit more fleshed out? Like I said, not sure exactly what it is. I do find that the alternate mix fits decently between Thunder and Wildflower Wildfire on BB though, if you want to remove the 2013 songs but still have a song to fill the gap left
  4. What is Rockefeller My Umbreller is Loved You Then and Now
  5. Happy one year to one of the more underrated albums in Lana’s discography ✨
  6. Despite (supposedly) being largely leftovers, Chemtrails is a higher quality and more cohesive album than NFR The title track with its cringy first verse and HIAB with its 3-song-mashup sounding ass are right there tho
  7. Like 3/4 of Cocctrails. Only song I always skip is For Flop
  8. Define rework On a serious note I hate that for her. Hope she’s able to recover what was stolen.
  9. This thread is a great toilet read
  10. Why do they always put her in the pop category And BB isn’t the best in any of those categories on its own record (save for MV) it doesn’t have a chance
  11. Yes but he also “produced” hiadtfawlmthbihi, NFR, and For Free 👀
  12. Not her casually wishing a homophobe a hbd when her sister is bi I-
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