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Everything posted by wildsummer

  1. anyone know if the violet vinyls are still available at barnes & noble?
  2. guys i think she’s just making fun
  3. hey guys i can’t remember who on here wrote the long ass essay about yosemite but if any of you have it would you mind sending it to me? i would like to read it now that i’ve heard the song. thanks
  4. “we did it for the right reasons” someone help what is “it” ??
  5. so ... is anyone else’s pre-order not showing up in their apple music library? it says “purchased” next to all the tracks when i go to the actual itunes store, but it won’t let me download it
  6. can’t wait for her to take all my money ?
  7. wait ... i’m using lb on my phone. is everyone else’s working because you’re all on computers? the WAY i’m panicking
  8. i can’t even get in someone send help
  9. why would she do this to me there’s no way i’m going to sleep now
  11. help this should not be as funny as it is
  12. i can’t get in & i'm worried it’s going to sell out
  13. well everyone ... what a momentous occasion. this has been my first full album cycle on lb & i am just simply so excited for the album i can’t sleep
  14. help no i meant to post it where everyone can see the thumbnail idk what i’m doing skdhwjejejejsj
  15. I GOT IT YES BITCHES chocolate vanilla swirl with cookie crunch pls
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