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Everything posted by hashtagtylerh

  1. I was looking at the source code and console/inspection for LDRVillage and couldn't find what that person was showing so I asked them how they got RCS to show up so people could validate it and they deleted their post... probably fake, pack it up ladies
  2. The initial announcement of LDRVillage said to come back weekly for more so there will probably be merch drops and announcements every week. So excited! Maybe we'll get an update tomorrow since it'll be 1 week from Chemtrails???
  3. Feel like I've been hazed and I'm finally a true LB member... lol I was thinking this earlier too, 2 months before seems fitting to start promo (Chemtrails started in January and released in March) so I'm hoping for something April 1st/early April
  4. I don't dislike Jack and I actually think his and Lana's work together is great but girl... 3 albums in a row with the same producer? Let's change it up
  5. does anyone have the post screenshotted? i didn't get to see it and would love to please edit: found it for those also looking
  6. Also, yes I'm that extra and will continue to include the ? in RC?S just like I include the ! in NFR! thx
  7. Unless Lana herself deleted it but I doubt she uses FB and YT that often. Or maybe she told them to delete it so it would only be on Instagram for the baddie aesthetic lol
  8. So the RC?S announcement was just deleted from Facebook and YouTube I'm guessing her FB and YT are linked to her IG so when she posted the announcement it auto-posted there. Then it was probably unexpected and deleted by her label. But I'm pretty sure Lana directly controls her IG so they can't delete it off of there unless she does
  9. I'll ask mine what he thinks when he's awake- the collective thoughts of our partners will be stronger than at least the Twitter prediction witch hopefully
  10. Not LB saying every album is going to be the new UV in the pre-pre-release threads lol Not saying I don't hope so though...
  11. When you are on a website dedicated to a person who doesn't know you and have your profile pic as them but then do nothing but berate them ??? Anyways RC?S out in 2 months and Chemtrails out now
  12. The RC?S cover is going to be the shots Lana took when she was at the infamous "Twitch? It's Lana Del Rey, WITCH!" house
  13. Okay... but saying "it's going to get delayed" and speculating is different than "Lana already said it's delayed wow" which is what people are doing because they see stuff and don't check if it's real before coming to LB
  14. Can we not already start posting about "delays" and other negative news without at least checking her Twitter & Instagram? ?
  15. She wouldn't even be that nice to us she'd just archive/delete all the posts and act like it never happened lol
  16. What are you guys referring to? Don't see any mention of a delay/not June 1 Nevermind
  17. When Elle thought she could take some time off after Chemtrails released and not have to deal with pre-release gates ???
  18. In her story: "My next record on June 1 titled Rock Candy ? Sweet" lol
  19. Also we already know when it doesn't come on June 1 we'll be saying "she meant to say June 11 and it actually makes more sense because it's a Friday" ???
  20. Church of Yosemite exposed for praising a false God... everyone welcome to the Church of Dealer on Rock Candy Sweet ???
  21. Me being sad about Chemtrails coming out because I wouldn't have the pre-release thread to scroll anymore but now probably being here in this spam-refreshing hell for 6+ months waiting for RCS news ???
  22. Lana has given early dates on like 99% of her projects but I still believe her and think it's coming on June 1 lol
  23. Well the good news is since it's only 2.5 months out we should be seeing merch/pre-orders soon if it's legit. She also posted album art (even if it's not official/will be changed) and the logo/font for it is gorgeous
  24. Us just saying a few weeks ago that we won't get a pre-pre-release thread for a while then Lana announcing Rock Candy Sweet a day after Chemtrails like NFR! -> "White Hot Forever" is killing me... LOL! Love her, hope it actually comes
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