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Posts posted by DownhillLullaby

  1. via @SkyFUpdates

    To the people a little apprehensive, the delay is due to Sky currently shooting a music video for the lead.

    This is a good sign for many different reasons.

    a. She’s getting a better budget
    b. It seems like Capitol have a release strategy (which severely lacked during NTMT)

  2. Always zillions of excuses, 0 solutions. Delays and more. 

    I know that it has been quite a few years, but this March thing WAS TORTURE. 

    Now she wants us to go through the same shit/hell for another month? I don't think it's fair. 

    She doesn't owe us anything, but


    The fact that she always gives 99% attention to these so-called "fans" and almost 1% over the ones that deserve it.

    Whenever she comes back, I'll support her. But I've really had enough. 



    What's wrong with announcing this shit already, putting it to pre-save, and then we can at least have some peace. 


  3. why can't she release the song and put the music video after

    I can't... 


    Edit: someone needs to teach her that pre-orders exist

    at least we would know that smth is coming for sure

  4. I'd like to address something.


    But first, I second this

    7 hours ago, Sky Ferreira said:

    all jokes aside, the amount of times she's promised something just to ghost us when it's time to release is probably over 100... shes the toxic ex i never knew i had. but when she actually releases we'll eat that shit up sadly :nails:



    Sometimes I get reaaaaally anxious about Sky... My anxiety increased...

    That being said, #SkyFerreiraIsOverParty was merely a joke between us girlies. 

    I'm exhausted and won't put my hand on fire for someone that I barely know.

    Because I tried to be as positive as I could. (over the past few years)

    I wish Sky would be aware that teasing things or even being silent about it makes everything worse.

    The lack of communication with her fanbase, with people that are here to support her... not good at all.


  5. Looking at the calendar... seeing almost two days left before March ends... This is really insane.

    We really got played again huh?!



    I'm sorry but she's a bitch.

    At least say something

    I really hope people flood her Instagram comments section and she'd deactivate. 

    I'm really tired of rooting for her.



  6. Remember last year when someone spread a rumour that Sky said on that Not Really podcast about releasing smth on April 1st

    I had to pay to listen to that bullshit and she barely said a word about the album despite 70% percent done since she met new people...

    I regret it immidiately 


  7. 1 minute ago, EXODUS said:


    Do yourself a favor and listen to this song with your eyes closed, it's almost as if Sky was singing this Charli co-write bop.


    So good isn't it?

    But I find it really strange that Charli was not credited as one of the songwriters...

    Maybe she just added a comma... 

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